Scan results after 5th round of immunotherapy

  • 13 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi all,

I haven't posted in a while due to feeling pretty miserable and not having anything positive to say. I was slowly losing the ability to breathe through my nose and back in October/November I lost it completely. This is down to scar tissue from mandibulotomy surgery in 2016. I had further surgery in 2017 to correct this which worked a treat but sadly it needs to be done again. My team won't consider operating until the Covid situation has settled down.

I do understand this but it doesn't stop me feeling the way I do. It's hard enough for me to eat/swallow at the best of times but to add not tasting the food makes it seem like I'm punishing myself even more which has affected my mood. I know I have to continue to eat but I mostly rely on Fortisps. I guess being furloughed has given me too much time to sit and dwell on my situation instead of trying to keep my mind occupied with work stuff! 

The good news is I had my CT scan result on Wednesday and the lung tumour has reduced in size considerably after only 5 sessions and the 2 smaller chest ones have remained stable so treatment can continue. This has really lifted my spirits and now I just have to be patient and wait for surgery which may happen in April. 

I hope everyone else is coping in these challenging times.

Best wishes to you all,

Fi  xx

  • Thanks for the encouraging words Norberry. x

  • Thanks so much for taking taking the time to post Annette and apologies for my late reply. It's a struggle to eat but there's light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks for the info on the lollies. I'm more of a savoury person but as I can't taste a thing at the moment I've just been having things that take little effort to swallow like yoghurt just to get the calories in- oh and the odd glass of red wine! :-)

    I'm glad your sense of smell and taste has returned now as I saw on the news today that some people have been left with this side effect of long covid. It's pretty miserable for them not knowing whether they'll get that back.

    I had my vaccination ( Pfizer) the same day as Tvman and had no side effects except for the slightly painful arm for a couple of days. Have you had yours now?

    I'm very sorry to see that you, Tvman, Norberry, Devon cat and Pet have lost your dear friend. So sad.


    Fi x