DS1500 form query

  • 62 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi, I’ve requested a reassessment for PIP via report a change in circumstances option. I already receive daily living standard rate due to a long standing disability. Whilst I await  the assessment form I was wordering  whether anyone had been awarded high rate csre and/or mobility using DS1500 form and not having 6 months or less to live prognosis?  I’m on palliative chemo with a prognosis of 0-5% chance of living 1-5 years.  Older posts I’ve searched for are mainly some years old. Thanks 

  • How did SiTs reply stay the course? Some sort of nepotism?

  • Hi, just as an update my GP completed the DS1500 and just sent me a copy - he only put my diagnosis and that I am on palliative chemo - no mention made of life expectancy so I still expect to have to fill in the assessment form - if it ever arrives in the post?!Joy Jayne 

  • Hi Gang, Firstly I can't understand why you Norberry (yes you) can say Ownedbystaffies and I could possibly frighten you! Maybe it is just because we tell it like it is?? I don't know!

    Binbag I didnt even ask about the DS1500 because I was given between 5 & 7 months, so I thought well that's not necessarily less than 6 months. So when DLA came to an end, I applied for PIP. I don't know if things are done differently in England but I do get PIP not Attendance Allowance and I am over the State Pension age! So that's  what makes me think Scotland and England have different criteria! Anyone know for sure? I hope those who have applied, get the right answer!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi All,

    I thought that the whole idea of the DS1500 was that it meant you would not have to attend for an interview or further assessment.  I had to attend an appointment with a Doctor to receive my work pension early on medical grounds but have applied for, and three years later renewed my PIP and have not had to undergo any assessment.

    Gragon x

  •  Hi, I’m hoping no assessment will be needed for me but in a discussion with a PIP agent, she advised that a decision would be made based on the form and I may have to still complete an assessment form if special rules not agreed.   However, I contacted McMillan also and was told that it would be most unusual if decision was not in my favour. We’ll see! I received an assessment form in the post today which has to be returned by 3rd March so I hope they make a decision soon! I’m still in the early process of ill-health retirement and not had any update. Take care, Jayne x 

  • Hi I live in Wales and it’s Attendance Allowance from state pension age. Jayne x 

  • All I was inferring is that any future consultancy for the pair of you with the diplomatic service is very unlikely. 

    Or about as likely as SiT becoming a stand up.

    But  I would like you both in the trenches beside me if we were at war . ( mainly to clear up)

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    And THAT'S why he's got no mates...

  • I think my account has been hacked, I wouldn't dream of making such assertions.

  • Hi ,

    You are so wrong- I am the height of tact and diplomacy most of the time, and am sure is too when required. I am also, however, always happy to take up the cudgels on someone else's behalf in a calm and assertive way. I am told I can be a bit scarey and I do ask questions other people dont. My kids say their friends were a bit scared of me because of my tendency to ask them questions ( no one expects the spanish inquisition)

    However, I am not so good at fighting my own corner always. But getting better!
