DS1500 form query

  • 62 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi, I’ve requested a reassessment for PIP via report a change in circumstances option. I already receive daily living standard rate due to a long standing disability. Whilst I await  the assessment form I was wordering  whether anyone had been awarded high rate csre and/or mobility using DS1500 form and not having 6 months or less to live prognosis?  I’m on palliative chemo with a prognosis of 0-5% chance of living 1-5 years.  Older posts I’ve searched for are mainly some years old. Thanks 

  • Thanks @anndav thanks for sharing your experience and yes I know of many who have claimed benefits undeservedly over the yesrs! Take care Jayne x 

  • Hi OwnedbyStaffies, The thought of people defrauding the system makes me angry too. It is the reason why you are "grilled" during your assessment as they tareveryone with the same brush. To be clear, I didn't agree with their methods of deception and told my assessor that. What I didn't mention was the fact that if my husband hadn't been with me that day, I would have been one of the ones that 'tried' the stairs, no matter how difficult and painful it was personally, as probably my pride would have got in the way of being sensible. Especially if i thought i would have to come back another day!

    The reason I wrote what methods they use was so that people here were aware the cards were stacked against them. What I didn't write, because the post was long enough as it was, was that we waited until the letter came through telling me I was entitled to PIP, then my husband and I composed a letter of complaint to the Executive complaining and saying, even a murderer is presumed innocent until proven beyond all resonable doubt they were guilty! Why was this not the case when the disabled applied for benifits they are entitled to. We received a 4 page reply of gobbledegook trying to defend the way the assessments are run!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Well done for complaining though. Disabled people are not treated fairly. We have to fight for ourselves. It is hard for those for whatever reason can not do so..  x


  • Hi everyone

    I have read so many messages from people who have had the assessor from hell and in their defence I have to say that my last assessor, a former nurse,  was completely the opposite, although metaphorically she kept her distance from me. 

    I was waiting for her to change into a Hyde character but it didn't happen. When she had finished, I said to her what I had heard and she agreed and said she didn't understand why they had to be like that. I joked with her and said she mustn't have read the memo, something that brought a broad smile to her face. All the same, I didn't relax until I received my letter stating that I had received the same awards as I had.

    Incidentally, has anyone else received a letter from PIP headquarters that their awards are going to last for another year before my next assessment? 

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi

    I am glad you went to the trouble to complain. Most people don't once they themselves are awarded their benefits. But my point, like yours is, that the system sets out to trip people over and does indeed act as though every cllimant is a liar. I get incensed because I know that most people aresimply trying to claim what they are entitled to. I have seen too many people over the years who have been denied benefits, when to anyone with half a brain it is obvious they are not fit to work. I have seen the emotional toll on people and families and I despair sometimes at other peoples willingness to buy into the scrounger narrative, until it comes to themselves of course. We are all on the side of the saints then! Anyway, thanks for setting out the full story, and again good on you. My own MP and I are on penpal terms ( but I dont think he likes it).

    And I am glad you got a decent human being for an assessor. My experience with my sister is that one seemed very pleasant but then lied in a huge way on the assessment. Another one was pleasant and did indeed write a proper report, but that may have been aided by the fact that I sat in on the assessment and made notes ( which clearly caused great discomfort ).

  • I didn't have too much trouble as I was phoned up and wept copiously, mainly due to the fact that I believed I was about to die. I think you should be representing applicants, ownedbystaffies as I cannot see anyone arguing with you. Anndanv can be your sidekick. The pair of you could probably get an current Olympic runner a payout.

    Was it the Duke of Wellington, Malborough or some military person who said about his troops .... I don't know what they do to the enemy but by God they frighten me. Thats you two. Respect.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ownedbystaffies

    I’m wondering whether the manner of an assessment may somewhat depend on who initiated the application? It shouldn’t if you are entitled but maybe it does?  I had a ‘phone assessment yesterday and the lady I spoke to, like Tvman and Norberry, was absolutely lovely. It was my hospice who decided it was time to organise a DS1500 (I’m far too busy burying my head in the sand to be thinking of such stuff) and they did that with my GP who sent it straight to DWP. After an initial cockup of receiving Attendance Allowance forms in the post (ahem, excuse me but I’m 10 years short of requiring those thank you very much, please don’t make it worse than it already is Wink) and getting that sorted, the PIP assessment lady was wonderful and very helpful. Mind you, I don’t know whether the answer is gonna be yes or no yet lol.

    So - if you’re over State Pension age it’s Attendance Allowance you need to check out, under State Pension age and it’s PIP. And your CNS or your Hospice can advise and get things moving for you when the time is right if you can’t face it yourself. Forgive me if I’m teaching Mother to suck eggs but I never knew all this stuff and it’s useful stuff to know xx

  • Hi 

    The assessor in my case couldn't possibly be angry or write lies about this handsome chap lol.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Admit it TVman - you trapped her in the V-bar and then gave her one of your gigantic brassicae... Who could resist?