• 20 replies
  • 44 subscribers

Hi Guys

I thought id kick this off with the gift my 2 granddaughters made for me for my birthday last year. It is sequence all sewn in just the right place!

When i opened the parcel I thought I had to make this up mysèlf and paniced until i opened the box ànd it was all done.

The fact they wouldnt allow their mum to help just advise and it took them months during Lockdown.  As they are 5 & 8 years old, to me this makes it even more special!

Right, I've opened the door for all you artists, crafters, gardeners etc  too show off your hard work here! Be warned, it is not as straight forward as the last site for uploading but please persevere, we'd love to see everything in one place!  Good idea MCLad!


  • Hi 

    What a happy healthy looking dog, you must have some fun times with him.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Thank you 


  • A family collaboration, we knit squares to make blankets for new babies in the family. After the last one there were some squares left over so my talented aunt put this together for me, so now I can have remote hugs from everyone whenever I need them. 


  • Hi 

    That explanation would put a smile on anyone's face. A lot of emotion put together. What a lovely idea.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • HI what a lovely dog, he looks very happy!!!!

    , i love that story behind it...

  • FormerMember

    That’s lovely Ann.My Daughter made me sunflower cross stitch year ago and I still have it on the wall.Hibiscus

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Salis

    How lovely what a great idea.Hibiscus

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Pet1968
    • Love these - I have my own darling dog and my good friend just died from heart disease so I have her 13 year old toothless miniature poodle- not that she knows she is that old - she likes to play and is cute as a button.  She is a fussy britches and will howl if she doesn’t know where I am!!  Thankfully my own girl is more laid back.
  • Hi MazLC. I use an iPad and a Samsung Tablet, I never use my phone!

    PLEASE IN FUTURE CAN THE POSTS BE PUT IN THE TITLE CRAFTS in place of here, so that there is only ONE CRAFTS PAGE, otherwise it would be doubled up and cause confusion!

    thanks guys!

    ruth, your dog looks so very happy and bouncy, is it still a puppy although he's quite big? Have you put this photo in the other post, then eventually this one will become nul and void after a while!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Salis, It's fantastic! Please put it in the other post so everyone will see it! I can knit and sew but I've always wanted to learn how to crochet. I can do it in a straight line but can't turn and go back, so if people want a very thin scarf, that's fine but anything else is not possible!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!