Nothing else...

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  • 43 subscribers

After 3rd admission to hospital in 6 weeks with a chest infection, I have now been told that 3rd line treatment is not working. My left lung is producing little in the way of breath sounds and is unable to move blood and secretions around. So I have been discharged home for 'end of lfe care'. Oncologist says I have months ( wont say how many, depends on growth of tumour

Dont know how to start preparing myself for facing this... help!!!

  • Hi Debs, 

    I am so sorry you find yourself in this position, especially with all this covid business at the moment where nothing is normal.

    Would it be worth trying to get a second opinion? Have you been in contact with your local hospice, who may be able to help I cannot help you in any way with the lung side of things, but thought at least I would send you a reply.

    Take care & stay safe.,Georgette.x

  • FormerMember

     This would be difficult enough in normal times, but in the middle of a pandemic it must be so much harder.

    I agree with it's always worth getting a second opinion. I was in hospital last January with pneumonia and pleurisy and was told by the hospital Oncologist that nothing more could be done as my scans were so bad, the chemo wasn't working, and I had lung metastases.

    My own Consultant had a very different view. 

    Have you seen the End of Life subgroup on the site? There are some very good posts from 2019 about this subject, and about the help and support you can get from your local hospice. I would be happy to look them up for you if you think it might be helpful. Do you have a good relationship with your GP? My understanding is that care is handed back to the community when you're no longer having active cancer treatment.

    I hope you have lots of support around you at home xx

  • Hi Debs, I am very sorry to hear your news. Georgette and Tina are absolutely right in suggesting hospice support. That is what they are there for and will know all the answers to all of your questions.

    Please let Tina help you if you are without support or cannot speak to anyone about this. I am equally happy to help in the same way. Best wishes. X

  • Debs I am so sorry you have had this news. I think that getting in touch with your local hospice.They are not just there for pain control, but offer many other services too.They are also there to support your family members through this, as well as you.

    Tinalay mentioned the End of life group, I will put the link for that HERE for you. There are lots of very helpful posts there, when you feel ready to take a look.

    Thinking of you, and sending a hug x 


    Try to be a rainbow,in somebody else's cloud
    Maya Angelou

    Community Champion badge
  • Hi Debs, A lot of people have been where you are now! When it was my turn, I saw my GP who suggested he refer me to our local Marie Curie Hospice, saying they would get in touch by phone in the first instance. I agreed, while thinking to myself "Huh I'm not at that stage yet" So when the Melanomma Specialist Nurse phoned to invite me to visit the hospice, I asked could I wait for a while. I then asked my oncologist if she could look for Drug Trials I could try and she said she would make some enquiries. If she had said "No" I would have asked for a second opinion!

    If I hadjlife you can, for as long as you can. They have Councillors, Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, as well as Alternative medicines etc etc for you and your family (if they want it!). So please give it serious thought. I'm sure like me, you will be pleasantly surprised.

    I actually have a video call with the Hospice Physio this afternoon. (Mon) They never stop caring! Good luck, whatever you decide to do, we are all here for you!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!