I'm new to the group

  • 37 replies
  • 48 subscribers


Thank you for letting me join your group, it is lovely to see that some people manage to be active members for much longer than expected!

I am currently on my second cycle of chemo, I originally expected to have 3 cycles, but they decided they needed a new baseline because of the delay between original CT and starting treatment (71 days) so now I'll be having 4 cycles before review.

I find the two hardest things so far are

  1. the physical isolation from my friends and family due to the pandemic.
  2. the short fuse I have developed; I was trying out a new skill the other day, it wasn't going well and I totally lost my rag which is not usual for me.

Best wishes 


  • Sorry Little Lamb, I just felt I had to say that. I did ask my wife if I could put that on the post. She said OK so not really my fault.

    Mr SiT is just a miserable article , he should make allowances for an older person. He has already been told off for inappropriate posts on here, today, actually.

    Best wishes.

  • I don't mind at all norberry and am glad that we can reminisce nursery rhymes .....another thing that sadly seems to be going out of fashion these days if somebody is not fixated on changing wording in the name of political correctness or banning them. Good job there is no camera on here cos let you into a secret...Mary may get squashed. The lamb is not so little, it's more mutton now and the white fleece is falling out fast! Thank you for making me smile.

  • Thanks Little Lamb, you are now in the SiT/ Norbs gang. I think you see things how we see things. Common sense will win in the end. SiT hasnt got much of it but we can help him on his learning journey.! Xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    It's what distinguishes me from YOU! But in a GOOD way! Hahahaha

    Although warming to the lamb squashing...

  • You can't say 'lamb squashing, you have just alienated loads of people or at least one person or one person might have thought they didn't like it. This post is tantamount to a lamb hate crime!       

    Its just not going to work SiT. Please consider your position.

  • Hi Lamb, 

    Nice to meet another newbie, joining this forum has certainly made me smile. The temper thing is what caused me to reach out here because I'd say I'm usually meek and mild, my husband may, or may not agree! Knowing that other people have had similar unexpected reactions makes me feel less of a freak.

    Just seeing the range of discussion is a help: the serious chats, the caring resposes and helpful suggestions and the downright sillyiness.

    As you said lovely to meet everyone



  • I'd like to find out who is guilty of posting downright silliness. SiT and I will investigate and deal with anyone behaving like that in a very serious way. Be warned you silly people.