• 10 replies
  • 43 subscribers

HI Guys,  I have been trying to get round to posting this ALL week but it has been a difficult week!

Last Friday I got up from the table after our meal and felt very dizzy, so much so, I lost my balance and fell backwards. Luckily we have a large display unit there which saved me from falling to the floor but I couldn't stand up properly, on my own, so Vince had to come help. We both got quite a fright, as you can imagine. I also had the headache of all headaches and had to go to bed. All day Saturday was spent in bed and even going to the toilet, I needed Vince to help steady me. On Sunday I decided, as there was no improvement, I would call 111 for the out of hours service. They passed me onto the Covid Centre who asked lots and lots of questions then said a doctor would call me back within the hour. Twenty minutes later he called, asked some more questions and when he realised I had incurable MM suggested I go to hospital, where I would need a head scan. Hearing how reluctant I was, he said I would go in through A & E and tell them they were expecting me in the SATA Unit and he would call ahead to arrange the scan.
That's what happened when we got there but of course Vince wasn't allowed in with me due to Covid. They said they would phone him when I was ready to go home.
 When they checked my BP the machine started buzzing with red lights going on and off. My BP was so high they suspected I had a bleed on the brain or a recurrance of Malignant  Melanoma and I needed a cannula inserted for the contrast dye and to get my blood checked!
It took 2 doctors, 2 nurses followed by another doctor, with a portable ultrasound machine to insert the cannula. So that took 3 hours and as a result both arms are black and blue!
Then I was told as it was now out of hours, I would have to wait until morning for the scan, so would be admitted! I told them politely that I had been there over 4 hours & that wasn't my fault. Also (due to Covid) patients were not allowed to use the toilets but had to use bedpans. I explained I have never managed to use one, even after 12 surgeries!  Eventually I was sent for a chest X-ray and head CT scan. An hour later I was told there was no melanoma or bleed on the brain and no signs of Covid on my lungs. I was so relieved to say the least! 
They still recommended I be admitted so after a bit of a disagreement with the Consultant, I explained if it wasn't life threatening, I could cope at home where there was less chance of me picking up the virus again and where I would relax and sleep better and be able to use the toilet.  I also asked what would they do if I remained in hospital. The answer was Rest and they would prescribe Stemetil for the dizziness. Again I said I could do that better at home and could I just have a script for the medication. They said it would take 90 minutes to get the drug from the hospital pharmacy, so I said I would phone my GP first thing for the prescription. Eventually, I wore them down and they agreed if the bloods were ok reasonably, it may be an inner ear infection called Laberynthitis.  So almost 7 hours after dropping me off, a very worried husband came to pick me up. By this time it was 9.35pm.
It has not been a good week, as you can imagine but at least I'm at home and the med has worked a bit so far! My GP told me they do take a while to get into your system! It is difficult typing, as my vision is a bit distorted, so I have been dictating this email, in between falling asleep!
Last year around Christmas I had a chest infection but I am hopeful the medication will sort this out over the weekend, so that we can enjoy the Festive Weeks coming up!
By the way, last Sunday when I went to hospital was the first time for 8 weeks, I had been anywhere! Some big day out! Lol!
Have a terrific weekend everyone!
Love Annette x
Sent via my iPad!
  • FormerMember

    omg anndanv you poor love you have been through so much i cant believe u had to fight to leave there you have a passport i guess why would they want to keep u when they had done the tests and u never had any of the bad stuff the treatment is so damn rubbish in some hosiptals or i say by some staff any way im so glad you are home and hopefully on the mead please pm if u need to natter love don X

  • How frightening for you not knowing the cause for a while.

    I am so pleased it isn’t your cancer causing mets or a bleed.

    Hooefully you will soon be better now with the medication.

    it is very scary to have new things wrong with us as if we haven’t got enough.

    well done for sticking up for yourself and getting home ok.

    I hope you and Vince have a peaceful Christmas xxx


  • Hi Annette 

    OMG What a week. After reading that I'm stunned, astonished, astounded, shocked and staggered. I used to take dizzy spells when I was younger, my head was spinning and I felt so sick. I hope you improve asap.

    Lots of love

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • That is unlawful suffering. You stay at home now and do Nothing! I feel exhausted on your behalf. Please improve in time for Christmas. Xx

  • FormerMember

    What a week for you.i know what you mean about bedpans I am the same.Hopefully your medication will do the job.Tace it easy mind the weather today there’s not much we can do. Tulip

  • Hi Don, Thank you for your reply! You are right, maybe I should have taken my password!! It reminded me of being in USA one year when our daughter was young and they did every test under the sun because the holiday insurance was paying for it and they definitely went OTT! To me it was as if they wanted their beds full on Sunday so that they wouldn't have the hassle of other patients coming in!

    How did your treatment go on the 17th? I hope it was smooth with no after effects!

    Hi Ruthjp, Yes it was very scary for a while especially when they kept mentioning a reoccurrence of MM. However once I found out the scan was clear of mets, I was so relieved, as was the family as you can imagine!

    Hi Norberry, I was exhausted indeed and slept all day Monday. The family have already said I have to be a spectator on Christmas Day, which is fine as most things like home made soup, steak pie (for Christmas Day) and turkey for Boxing Day, I already have prepared and they are in our freezer! So resting won't be difficult!

    I hope you all have a terrific Christmas!  Love Annette x

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • HI TVman, Well, I was the one staggering and shocked! Lol! Also astonished they weren't throwing me out! Especially when the scan confirmed there was no recurrence of Mrlanoma or a bleed on the brain! They said it Could be an inner ear infection OR Post Viral Syndrome after having Coronavirus last month, so no definite answer as to the cause!

    Hi Peggy24 As well as having to use bedpans and not the toilets, the trolley bed I spent hours in had one fitted sheet (that funny material) no pillow, no blankets etc Supposedly again because of the virus! So I couldn't lie back comfortably without a pillow which made it worse than it needed to be!

    Anyway, thanks again for replying and I am ready for a very quiet Christmas! The medication seems to have helped a bit, so it is not every time I stand up, just when I get up too fast or forget and bend down for something, so here's hoping it will keep improving over the weekend.

    Thanks again to all who commented! Oh almost forgot, our boiler went out last Tuesday and I couldn't bend or even get out of bed to look at it. So my husband called the engineer who came on Thursday and sorted it. That's the first time my husband has been shown how to reset it as I'm the one who normally does it. So, something else I don't have to teach him! Although he's now able to use our new cooker, so has been making dinner this week! He is really chuffed with himself! 
    Take Care ALL,

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Oh Annette..what a week nobody want's or need. I'm so glad your brain is clear, must be so scary. See i had a brain tumor and no symptoms lol. Pleased you got it all sorted for xmas and can rest now, hope the meds will work soon. And hey, it's never to late for any hubby to learn things.. mine had to do washing and cooking when i had chemo for the first months' he was pretty good at it, except we had some white washing come out pink !! ( it was a paper serviette in red ) . Merry xmas Pet

  • FormerMember

    Oh  as if you haven't been through enough lately!!! My Consultant said that one of the problems with our group is that it becomes increasingly complex trying to work out what is disease progression/side effects from treatment/unrelated to cancer....

     You can have incurable cancer and laberynthitis but first of all they have to rule out the big stuff. What a nightmare, I hope the medication is helping and you're getting plenty of rest. I also hope your next day out is a much better experience.


  • Thanks Tinalay, Yes your consultant is right. In what other group would anyone be happy about having vertebrae out of place or having Labyrinthitis! It is just a relief to know whatever it is, it isnt directly the result of a cancer diagnosis!

    People must think we are a strange bunch! Lol!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!