Hospice Care

  • 10 replies
  • 46 subscribers

I just got home from Christmas shopping to discover that my local hospice (Phyllis Tuckwell, Farnham) had delivered a fabulous bag of goodies. They are so amazingly kind. I have a make your own  potpourri kit,  a make your own Christmas tree decoration, a mug and tea/coffee/biscuits and various leaflets. I had a little cry because they are so thoughtful and they make me feel so cared for.

I hope not to be an in patient for a year or two yet but they run a lot of living well with cancer courses, always ring up to check how I am and also offer support for carers. If you are lucky enough to have one local to you then contact them, you won't regret it.

  • That is quite something Nicky. It will show people who think a hospice is the end that it is not the case at all.

    We support our local one and always have done ever since they looked after my Mum 20 years ago, but yours does sound special.

    Best wishes. X

  • FormerMember

    Wow - that's really lovely...

    Merry Christmas one & ALL!!!

    Stay Strong


  • How nice to hear they are looking out for you so uplifting to hear news like this 

  • My heart sank when I read Hospice Care,  after reading the full post my heart was filled again

  • wow Nicky that's so great...and it makes you feel safe i think. You know when the time comes you will be in a good place. It did make me feel good just to read it. Pet

  • Hi 

    There are some lovely people in this world, aren't there? My cockles have just been warmed Smile

    Take care and stay safe Nicky

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember

    My heart sank until I read the full post, what a lovely story, they sound amazing, you said you hope not to need them for 1-2 years lets hope it's much more.


  • How lovely Nicky. Enjoy making your decoration and potpourri. Blush 

  • FormerMember


    That's my local hospice too!  I live in Farnham and agree PT are marvellous.  Have you tried the online meditation classes?  I think the next one is 14th Jan x

  • FormerMember

    Hi that's a lovely thing to do and shows you're in good hand there.

    I was referred to our local hospice at the beginning of the year and had an initial assessment. We booked several appointments and I felt like I'd uncovered a whole new level of support for me and my family. Then we went into lockdown so the appointments had to be cancelled, and shortly afterwards I had a letter discharging me from the hospice. They said it had been a difficult decision but in the light of the pandemic they could no longer offer me anything. No doubt funding played a part, the hospice is an independent charity and relies heavily on donations.

    I'm hoping that things will change again with the vaccine. Several of our group have spoken of the importance of establishing a good relationship with your local hospice sooner rather than later. Of course it's not for everyone. But it is for me, if possible. xx