It is here, but is it for us

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  • 43 subscribers

Hi friends, so there is a vaccine for covid  but will people like us who already have a terminal diagnosis be 1st in line, Back in march when the shielding letters came out  i did not get one for the reason my doc told me was "i was no longer being treated" but I'm still on meds  from the side affects i get, then i had to call 8 different health departments to try and get my Flu jab as i still to this day don't have any word either by text or email from my surgery, then to add insult to injury I  have been waiting for an appointment from my cancer team at the Monklands hospital only to find I had been taken off the system, so being kinda confused i phoned my macmillan  nurse and she finally got me an appointment and also to get on track with my surgery about getting my bloods done every 6 weeks. So has anyone here had any off the problems I have had thrown at me  and where in the list will we be in the vaccination Q


  • Hi

    Sounds like you have had proper trials and tribulations and good on you for persevering - not that you should have had to do all that.

    As far as the covid vaccine goes, I am sceptical about how long the roll out will take anyway. Those of us deemed "extremely clinically vulnerable" are in priority 4 - so even good a good logistics process, I dont think we will be getting it before the Spring at the earliest and probably later. Much has been promised and so little delivered in terms of other things like test and trace etc. Hopefully if the NHS and not Serco etc are actually doing this vaccination, then it might go better than Serco test and trace(  I refuse to call it NHS T and T). Although given your experience with the NHS systems, you may not be too optimistic. If you are not deemed "clinically vulnerable" then you will be further up or down the list which seems to go in age order in blocs of 5 years. Good luck wherever you are in the priority lists.