6 weeks break

  • 9 replies
  • 41 subscribers

Hi all just finished 12 rounds chemo so having 6 weeks break, waiting for CT scan and then face to face with oncologist 18 Dec, everything crossed.

Went to Brixham couple days ago to lay some flowers for the 2 fishermen who lost their lives. As people say live each day, 

On a lighter note you've heard of cat and mouse well we have     cat and badger.

  • Love the pictures. Devon is lovely. I am not far away in Bristol. We are disappointed we are locked in again except for walks. Wish we were in tier 2 

    lovely to have a 6 week break from Chemo. I have just had scans and results. It all takes time and hard to wait. They have sent me the images to view. I don’t find it easy getting them up on the computer. But I will have a go.

    everything has grown for me so it it shows up more iron the scans.

    I am still feeling well. Determined to enjoy life while I can and we will have our son and daughter her in a bubble for Christmas and we will all get tested first. They do it on strictly and with all the ports.

    Love Ruth xxx


  • What a relief for you Devon cat. I am sure you will enjoy the break from treatment even if you sleep for a week firsr. Fingers crossed for your results, hopefully the chemo would have given the troublemakers a good bashing!

    Love your photos, gives a nice holiday feeling in this awful weather we are having. Is that the Devon cat you are named after ? I am named after my wife's Teddy bear, could have been worse I suppose, she has all sorts of bedside animals!  Xx

  • You know what Ruth, even when I am sitting next to the onco and he is showing images on his PC, I still can't really see what he is showing me! I do so hope you are continuing to manage, how great to have your kids at Christmas, must be the best present ever. You stay feeling well. Xxx

  • I understand what you are saying and I find I can’t follow the scan when the oncologist is showing me. But the more I have have viewed them and for a longer time I have been able to work it out. Also I have copies of the reports so I can look at them at home and look up difficult words which I usually find are just anatomical structures.

    I do have a nursing background which I think helps a bit.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ruthjp

    Hi ruthjp, glad you like the pics just trying to have a little sunshine in this awful situation we are all in, I'm not much good with techno stuff took me several attempts to download some documents sent to me, I don't get anything sent to me by the hospital, but I do have a face to face on the 18th Dec, sorry to hear that things have grown but never lose hope, might not have grown that much and as you say you're feeling well and that's the main thing so onwards and upwards.

    stay strong and positive


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    Hi Norberry, yes I'm looking forward to a break but it also makes me a little anxious as I worry it will give the little devils inside a chance to grow? but hay I can't do anything about that, yes it was a nice few hours at Brixham cold but reasonably sunny, yes that's our little cat she loves being out with the badgers although sometimes she does push her luck but they ignore her and I think she knows how far to push them as you can see their a lot bigger then her. Norberry a nice name for a bear and I suppose it must suit you as your wife wouldn't have named you that??

    stay strong and safe


  • FormerMember

    Hi Devon cat

    Lovely Photos of Brixham.My sisters partner had his scalloper there some years ago my sister use to stay there while he worked on the boat.They have been gone now for 4 years my sister died on the dHibiscus of his funeral,it was such a shock at the time.Its awful about the two fishermen it was just on the news.Hibiscus

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello again, trying to catch up with posts, not bad pics of Brixham,  it was nice walking around hardly any one around, sad news of your sister and partner and yes about the 2 fishermen both young men very sad, as someone said on the site not long ago we all have the chance to say our goodbyes, those young men didn't so make the most of each day, do what makes you happy and live live live.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Keep strong live everyday doing everything you love Heart️