
  • 7 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Went and paid our respects this morning, hope everyone is well  xx

  • Nice one Devon Cat, it was a shame  we could not have the Parade in London, but it was nice and simple, better  than not having anything.

    Take  Care  Ellie xx

  • Good for you  Well done. My grandfather was in the tank crew in the first world war and received a military medal Medal for going into no man's land to rescue someone. I think that's what he did, he died when I was about 11and of course he never spoke to me about it. A lot of donations haven't been given this year because of the circumstances we're faced with.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Hi tvman,  it's the least we can do to honor those brave men and women, my dad was in WW2 he was a gunner, he did most of his training in scotland, like your grandfather my dad didn't talk much about the war, just a few funny stories as he got older. Yes it's very sad that the donations have been hit hard this year like everything else.

    stay safe and strong everyone


  • Oh, forgot. My dad was a radio operator in WW2, I saw the ships he was in from the records. About 8 and the radio operator was in the bowels of the ships and too often the definite death from a torpedo strike. My mum was in the Wrens, stationed in Greenwich and my eldest brother in the UDR. I would have loved to have been in the navy but I had a car accident at the age of 13 which severely injured my right arm and left me debilitated to this day, so the services were not for me. Unfortunately.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • My father was in the navy and my mother in the Wrens  . That  is how they met.

    my mother died  last year but wrote a book in her 90s called my world war ll a Wren’s story. It is on kindle and amazon.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ruthjp

    My Pops was in the Navy and my Mum was a nurse Wren - & that's how they met after Pops was injured I the Korean War...

    They're 87 now and still going strong.


  • My Dad was thrown out of France by Hitler. He then became a Chindit and spent the war fighting the japanese in Burma. I bet he wished he had been captured in France when he saw the jungle!