
  • 16 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi all, Many of you will know Diz, she has posted on here for many years and along with Skaila ( Sue) used to organise the London meet-ups. They were the first people I ever met in person. Today I had had the sad news from Amber her daughter that Diz died last night. Her end was very peaceful and for that we must be thankful. Amber asked me to pass this news on to you all. Funeral dates are not known yet, but once confirmed I will let you all know. I really don’t have anything else to say at the moment, I am sad to lose yet another friend to this rotten disease and need to try to accept that this is how it is.
To all of you love and hugs.

Maggie xx

  • So sorry to hear that Maggie, Diz was such a lovely friendly lady and we'll miss her. I first met her about 4 years ago and more recently when she popped into the incurables group. Sad loss, thanks for letting us know.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember

    RIP Diz 

     Diz and Daloni are up there having a catch up and looking over all of us

    stay strong everyone 


  • So sorry to hear this, Diz was one of the first to greet me here.

    She will be sadly missed by many.

    Glad the end was peaceful for her.

    Rest in Peace, thoughts are with her family.

    You Never Walk a Lone

  • Thank you for letting us know Maggie.

    Diz was also the very first person I met from the Macmillan community when I travelled from North Yorkshire down to London to attend one of the meet ups that she organised on the boat in London.  I walked onto the boat and was immediately approached by a spikey haired woman with a big grin asking me if I was there for the meet up, ticking my name off the list, writing me a name badge and press ganging me into blowing up balloons.  We chatted for a while but then she was busy meeting and greeting other members and it was only later that she, along with Sue, Anna 66 and Maggie later got the opportunity to talk a bit more.  We have talked many times since either on the site, over the phone and too seldom in person.

    When I first joined the community Diz was a regular visitor to "The Room" where she would rant and rage about her condition, the doctors and anything else that caught her attention.  She smashed many virtual vodka bottles in The Room relying upon the house elves to come along and tidy up after her.  I know that in real life she and Sue used to meet up regularly, drink more alcohol than was good for them and act as inappropriately as they could and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

    As a Community Champion she has been there for other members for years and her contributions have been valued by many.

    I will miss my friend.

    love and hugs to you Diz.  xxx

  • Hi Maggie, Thank you for passing on this very sad news! Like Daloni, Diz seems to have been here forever! It is great they had extra time to spend with their families as they passed their sell by dates but even when we know this is coming, it is difficult to say goodbye to friends. I am so relieved to hear Diz had a peaceful end. It is what we mostly wish for everyone! 
    Please pass on my love to Amber and let her know how many lives her mum touched here! We will miss her. I am so sorry Maggie for the special friend you have lost and we are all here for you, whenever you need a chat!

    I think I will do what I remember Diz doing often and open the Virtual Bar.............cheers everyone! I will have a much needed brandy!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Diz and Daloni set the bar high, an inspiration of how to deal with what is ahead.

    Let’s hope we can all act inappropriately and grasp every moment we can

  • FormerMember

    I don’t think I had meet Diz but sorry to hear the news,

    Sending a hug to her family.Rose

  • FormerMember

    I'm so sorry Maggie, it must be hard to pass on this news especially as you and Diz were so close. Thank you for letting us know. I never met Diz but got the impression she was another force of nature. There's some comfort in knowing she was peaceful at the end, sending love and heartfelt condolences to family and friends.


  • Hi all, this morning I have had an email from Amber, Diz’s daughter. She has asked me to pass on her thanks for the messages that I had passed on to her. 
    Diz’s funeral has been arranged for the 23rd November at 1.30pm and if she can forward me the web link I will post it on here  so that people can watch it if they wish.

    I suspect many of us will be raising a glass to Diz at that time even if we aren’t able to watch! 
    love and hugs to you all

    Maggie xx

  • Hi Maggie. 

    Thanks for letting us know, 23rd November will be in my diary and I'll set a reminder. Another high profile member gone Worried

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.