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Hi all Jim788 here been somewhat down of late had my consultants phone call 2nd October to discuss scan results that in itself took 33 days probably the norm just don't know anyway to make it short told by my consultant that she was arranging bone scan got a copy of letter sent to GP confirming what was discussed decided to give consultants secretary a ring to find progress/scan date only to be told no scan had been arranged felt sorry for secretary told someone would ring me back got feb up after a 5 hour wait rang again to be told letter was on its way I shouldn't be continuing chasing what time should I give for the letter by the way Lincoln is in tier 1 don't want to here CORVID excuses sorry for the rant 

PS Clapping for health workers unfortunately in my experience some need a kick up the back side

  • I think you’re ps is correct. As part of COVID they received much deserved recognition, unfortunately often elevating people only makes any gaps worse to bear.

    Like most of us communication is key, expectations need to be managed and upheld.  As for being told I shouldn’t continue chasing my response would be I shouldn’t need to feel like I need to chase up.  When told someone would ring you back they should have given timescale, perhaps we need to learn to be more precise and when told someone would ring ask what sort of timescale.

  • FormerMember

    You definitely shouldn’t be going through this. Makes me appreciate the wonderful care I get at NCCC. I don’t know how I’d cope if I had to be the one doing all the chasing. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi  33 days to discuss scan results!!! That must have been tough, the longest I've waited is 2 and a half weeks. I agree with the others, you shouldn't have to chase things up but you're certainly entitled to. I was told my next appointments would be sent by post on Thurs and they arrived on Sat. My Consultant did say that blood tests sent to London might be delayed by Covid but that there was a big push to keep cancer treatments on track.

    Everyone needs to rant sometimes and this is a good place to do it so rant away, never any need to apologise.

    Good luck with your bone scan, I hope you won't have too much longer to wait.


  • Hi Jim, It would be a perfect world if we, the patients, didn't need to chase up on promised scans, appointments etc but I'm afraid it is far from perfect! I agree with the others, a month to wait to discuss scans is just not acceptable. I am with Young Man, I would have asked a couple of things during the phone call with the secretary. Definitely when should I expect to be called back and regarding the letter that is "on it's way" sounds to me like a fob off!  ( similar to the cheque is in the post"!) where is it on it's way to? The typing pool or my address? I would have asked what the letter said because I would assume as secretary she would have written it! 
    I think it's just that I have been here so long (I know how lucky I am!) but I don't suffer fool's gladly. You have to become assertive and fight your own corner! I wonder do you have contact details for your Specialist Nurse? If not please ask for them. It took me 6 weeks to find out who my SN was and it turned she was the one who sat in on all my visits with the oncologist but didn't wear a nurses outfit! I thought she was an oncology assistant. I suppose in a way she is. However, once I got her contact details ( she is a McMillan Nurse specialising in Malignant Melanoma) she has been fantastic and does any chasing up on my behalf!

    To answer your question Jim, I would give the letter until Thursday morning to arrive and if you haven't received it by then, I'd be phoning again asking EXACTLY what it said. After all, it may just confirm you are now on the waiting list for a bone scan!! Don't feel sorry for the secretary, it's her job to know what's going on, make her feel sorry for you by letting her know how stressed you feel, let her know you will take a cancellation, be nice too, you get nowhere by shouting! At least that's my opinion! Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!