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  • 45 subscribers

Couldn't get on line yesterday due to maintenance, now I've got on I'm seeing old posts again, or is it me???

Anyway if anyone is reading this, quick update, had my 9th round of chemo on Thursday, feeling pretty good long may it continue fingers and toes crossed, put on 2 stone since started treatment, can't stop eating , so hopefully the chemo is doing its job, I have 3 more rounds of chemo then I have to stop as my oncologist says the body needs to rest, I just hope the break doesn't give the any room to grow, so as I don't have much more to say I will update at the end of October god willing.

stay strong keep fighting and long may it continue for all of us


  • I have seen it Devon cat, that is good news you fill well, long may it continue. Hope the update it is doing its job and you are still feeling good.

    It is a road we have to travel to get to the end.

    Take Care Ellie x

  • Glad you’re tolerating the chemo, fingers crossed for you.

  • Hi Devon Cat, It is good to see you post again! That is good news your chemo seems to be working for you and it is only three more before you get a break! I wasnt on chemo as it doesnt work for my type of cancer but my body still needed breaks from treatment. The first time my oncologist suggested it I felt very insecure. My mind was working overtime thinking the worst but after the third break and the scan after that still showing stable, i allowed myself to really enjoy the treatment breaks! Think of thrm as positive things as your oncologist won't want to undo all the good the chemo has done, so would not suggest a treatment break if she/he didn't think it would be beneficial!

    I'm looking forward to reading more good news from you in a couple of weeks! Can anyone believe it is almost the end of October!!!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • You deserve a rest Devon Cat! I am glad you are feeling good

     Your positive post has given me a boost too. 

    Much love and take care


    Flowerlady x
  • nice to see you posting again and you feel well and the treatment is working for you keep going and fighting on xxx

  • Hi 

    That's great that you're feeling good, and as you say, long may it continue. Looking forward to hearing good news at the end of October Relaxed

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.