In Lockdown Again

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  • 42 subscribers

Hi TVman and anyone else living in Northern Ireland or any of the places where restrictions are being tightened!

I hope you will all get through this bad patch and come out safe and well on the other side. At least hopefully it will be a matter of weeks rather than months this time and children who have their Autumn break from school will miss one week of school and no more.

Please come here and let us know how you are doing and what you have maybe changed from last time to make things easier for you or your families!

I just wanted you all to know I am thinking about you and keeping you in my prayers. At least it can do no harm! Here in Scotland it is almost the end of the school break but although the pubs and clubs are closed or have a time curfew, the children have still to go back to school on Monday. That is unless anything changes between then and now. Part of the problem is that it can change day by day or hour by hour.

Stay Safe Everyone!

  • FormerMember

    Hi  York has gone into the high risk category and I’m heartbroken at the thought of not being able to see my sons again! I’m getting scan results next week and seeing my Oncologist on Thurs. I was planning to ask about going back to work (very) part time but instead will be asking about how far we can bend the rules. If I’m starting chemo again then of course I’ll follow the guidelines strictly to reduce any risk to the hospital staff. There have been some heartbreaking stories on the news, we’re lucky compared to some. Thanks for this lovely post Annette.


  • Hi Tinalay, How far away from you do your sons live? I take it you are seeing your oncologist to get the results of the scans? Do they get the results as quick as that?    To be honest, through Lockdown I have still seen our grandchildren. Our son or daughter drop them off and when it was dry outside they would stop for a coffee and a chat. They always wore masks and kept the 2m distance required to protect me! I dont think I would have coped not seeing them regularly. When it rained for a few days or more in a row they would sit in the dining room and I would sit in the living room. Even if it was only for ten minutes, it made a difference to how I felt. Having chemo is a whole different thing, so you will need to be a lot more careful. In saying that, our son used to stop on the way here and buy a takeaway coffee, so that he wasnt touching anything in the house. We were. As careful as we could be!

    I wish you good luck for your results and to be frank, if i were you, i wouldnt be rushing to get back to work, even part time. Please give yourself time to rebuild your strength before you even think of work! Please let me know how you get on!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Morning  I completely understand how important it is to see your grandchildren, for them too. I remember one of them thought you’d died at the height of lockdown!!! You’re doing everything you can think of to reduce the risks and I would do the same. Luckily our sons live locally and we’ll be able to see them outside.
    The scans were done on the 3rd & 7th Oct. I’m expecting next weeks appointments to be changed from face to face to phone appointments.
    You’re right about work it’s just that when I was feeling very low I felt like a waste of space. I normally volunteer for a drama group for adults with learning difficulties and for a homeless charity, and teach a few Pilates classes a week. It’s enough to provide some structure to the day.

    Hope everyone’s keeping safe and well, and those of us with tougher restrictions are taking extra care of themselves. xx

  • Hi Annette

    I had a reply ready for you and it disappeared! I didn't follow my own advice to copy before posting. The only one I forgot. Life's cruel.

    Yes we're under a sort of lockdown, not a full one but enough. Mrs Tvman, youngest son and I are fine, we haven't any worries about this, I have only left the house a couple of times since the last one finished. My wife works in a school so this is her last day for two weeks. In school she is in a bubble with 2 P1 classes. They don't mix with the rest of the school at all. For the next two weeks we're not going anywhere, all is being delivered to us that we need. The only place I'm going is the garden! We had planned to work in the garden for the week she's off, now we have two weeks Slight smile

    We need to get the base of the polytunnel made and after that, the framework needs to be erected. She's aware that it would be easy for me to get depressed so this is her way to put my head in a happy place. I'll be so delighted when the framework is made. 

    Thank you for your concern and of course you can pray for me, as you say it can do no harm. I have a few of my former customers who asked me also and I mustn't forget my brother. He's my rock as well as my wife and son of course. Then there's you and all our friends in the community. Lots of support and friendship, thank you everyone. 

    Take care and stay safe everyone

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Glad you are coping well with the lockdown it can be depressing. 
    Good you have a project to keep you busy.

    we are going for a different outside walk today with our dog to Rodborough common . Plenty of space and social distancing. Even though it is cold it is dry and we enjoy the walking and the views.

    iit is good to do what we can safely 

    Ruth x


  • Hi Everyone, I'm so pleased everyone is keeping busy. Ruth that's a good idea walking somewhere different, you could see how many new places you could find! When it's a crisp autumnal day, I used to really enjoy walking.  You don't feel the cold as you wear warm clothes and walk a bit quicker!

    Tinalay, Yes you are right, one of our granddaughters woke in the night screaming saying she was never going to see us again, asking her mum if we had gone to heaven. Just a few months before Lockdown, our SILs dad died and his mum had died the year before! She was so distraught she wouldn't go back to sleep. That was 2 weeks into the Lockdown and we saw them the next day. The welcome we got was unbelievable, we ALL cried! I'm so impressed you actually remembered that! I do hope your scan results are good, I've got everything crossed for you! I take it the classes etc aren't on just now anyway and it is better not to have contact with people you don't know, it's not worth taking chances!

    Tvman in a way it is ideal your wife isn't working during the Lockdown as I don't think you would manage the garden on your own! Like you, I had bulbs delivered this week and now I am wondering when I'm going to get them planted! I had been hoping they would have arrived other week so that I would have them before the school holidays, as the children love helping in the garden but they are back to school on Monday and by the time they get home and get changed etc it's almost dark! I may just put them in pots this year and plant them out next year.

    I hope everyone has a great weekend!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Ruth 

    Lovely to hear from you as always. You sound like you are really enjoying your walks, a good long walk in refreshing open air is wonderful for the mind and body. As Annette  says, it's good to go to a different area to benefit your well-being. Keep us informed about your forays into new areas, I'm enjoying hearing that you're feeling better and relishing your daily walks.

    Take care Ruth and stay safe

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.