New to it all

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I have recently been diagnosed with untreatable lung cancer. Emphysema has apparently wrecked my lungs to such an extent that no treatment is possible. Although it is at an early stage and I don't have symptoms I am under no illusions that things can only get worse. It doesn't help that I live alone, and my nearest relative is my sister (she is also vulnerable being in cancer remission herself)

Covid 19 appears to be on the rise again and I am dreading having to go into lockdown again.

  • Hello Minimoo

    I can only echo the thoughts already expressed here. It's not easy to come to this forum and tell your story, I hope it has made life a little easier for you knowing there are people out there that understand

     It's an odd time, and we are all trying our best. There's a lot of love and support here.

    Take care xx

    Flowerlady x
  • Thank you. We have just had another death in the family yesterday, another funeral we can't go to and say a last goodbye. It's so hard. On a more positive note though,  I was thinking I was going to be isolated again but my sister and I are forming a bubble which means we can meet up. 

  • Hi minimoo, I'm so sorry there's been another death in your family, it is very difficult in today's situation with Covid that you can't attend the funeral but maybe you could find your own way of saying goodbye, like lighting a candle in your window or church if you have one.

    I used to have lots of hobbies that were mostly out doors, walking, gardening, tennis etc but that was another lifetime ago. I can't do any of them now because I am not mobile. However now I have new hobbies, like you I enjoy jigsaws, reading, all kinds of puzzles like crosswords, word search and the like. I also have started knitting again. I used to knit when my children were young but now because I also have osteoarthritis and my hands get sore, I now knit clothes for our granddaughters dolls.

    I wonder do you have a Kindle for reading, if so there is a great site called Bookbud ( or Bookbub ?) where there are lots of books to download free. Also if you have an iPad, Tablet or computer there are some terrific Apps with Free Jigsaws, I use both of these.

    I was so pleased to read if Lockdown returns, you will have your sister for company. That will make a huge difference! I wonder if you have seen the post for "Three Good Things"? It's all about being positive and thinking about the good things rather than dwelling on the bad. Just reading the posts can be uplifting, even if you don't want to contribute at the moment!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hello Annette, seems we are kindred spirits in our likes.  I will check out the apps and the post you mentioned. I have had one good thing, bubbling with my sister, just need 2 more!

  • Hi minimoo, My problem with Three Good Things is I can normally think of a lot more than just 3 things and can't make up my mind what to put down! For instance just wakening up is one for me because that means I have slept, even for a short time, I love to hear the birds singing, even when they start so early it is still dark. I even love that first cup of tea in the morning after my cereal. Watching the school children play while waiting for the school bus, seeing our grandchildren smile is a very special one for me. The kiss and cuddle my husband gives me every time he goes out or comes into our house! To name but a few! Now you can see the problem I have! So put your thinking cap on and I'm sure you will get the hang of it quickly!   Does your sister live close to you?

    By the way, do you have a garden? There is also the gardening Discussion I mentioned.  It doesn't have to be all about cancer!

    Have a great day!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I have  two more Good Things to put on my calendar My new hearing aids are ready to collect next Wednesday. I am hoping for an improvement in my hearing. And I have got a hair appointment for Friday.  I'll be a new woman. 

  • Hi minimoo,  Good for you, I knew you would find other good things once you started to think about it!!!

    I bought new hearing aids at the beginning of the year privately through Specsavers. I have had NHS ones for about five years but latterly they kept breaking down and appointments were getting harder and harder to get. They used to have a walk in clinic for minor problems but they changed it to appointments only and when you phoned you were lucky to get seen within for weeks. Anyway, these new ones are much better n every way. They were costly but i wish i had got them years ago! Also SNAP again, I got my hair cut on Wednesday! It really cheers you up!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • I am so pleased about your experience with hearing aids which mirrors mine. I got my hearing aids in 2003. Nobody told me I should be retested every 4 years (according to Specsavers) so it is perhaps no wonder my hearing has deteriorated. I am hoping for a big improvement, well some anyway. Yes they are expensive but like you my NHS ones keep needing repair, one has a big split in the mould. It won't hurt to have a spare pair.