Brain mets from breast cancer time limit

  • 5 replies
  • 43 subscribers

On tuesday i was diagnosed with more cancer this time in brain.4 mets have been found.the chemo made the lungs stable but chemo cant reach the brain when i asked how much left i was told they dont know.

I just want to ask if its worth to get through further treatment when i know once is in the brain game is it worth it for extra 2 month?i am breast cancer tripple negative so not many options for me.

Please and dont ask me for hospice care because i am still ok except bit unsteeasiness and mobility issues in my right hand .

In the worse case my husband will look after me i work in a care home and explained to him everything.

Please just tell me how long i have left

Thank you

  • Hi Janet500,  i have no answers to your questions i wish i had.I am sorry to hear your news, i know we have probably never chatted on this forum but your message moved me.I would imagine a large percent of us will be in your terrible position one day. I am in the incurable group and every time i go for a scan expect to be told the news nothing else can be done.As for treatment and the extra few months, its a very hard decision to make i suppose i would have a chat with my family but ultimately its up to you and how you feel about it. I wish i could help more. I would like to think i would carry on with treatment if offered,i would want to carry on especially if in myself i felt well and you have said yourself apart from a bit of unsteadness and mobility issues in your right hand you are well. That would be enough for me to carry on, how many time have we read on this forum some drug has come along and been offered at the last minute, and people have a lot longer than expected. Please dont think for a moment i am trying to tell you what to do,i just want you to think about it and don,t give up just yet,we all need to carry on as long as we can, if only to annoy our families. I wish you all the very best,and you don,t mind me replying Take good care of yourself xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to wino

    Hello thank you for reply.they offered me a treatment but also have lung mets which responded well to the chemo.i am scared they will concentrate on brain and neglect the lungs.i was so sick before i started the chemo for lungs.I dont the nodules to grow up again. I rather to die on quick with brain mets at least they dont hurt. I am only 43 how i deserved this?

  • FormerMember

    Hi janet500,

    I am so sorry to read your post, I'm not here to tell you what to do or what not to do, you want to know how long you have??? Does anyone really know how long they have, when I was diagnosed I asked the same question a nd was told 6-12 months not sure I really wanted to know I think it's just instinct to ask, so all I will say is don't think about how long, think I'm still here, only you can make the decision about treatment you and your husband will make the right decision when you need to

    Sending positive vibes stay strong


  • if Hi Janet500   Great news they have offered you a new chemo really pleased, positive news. I am sure they wont just concentrate on your brain mets and ignore your lung mets, thats not how it works. I think you will find they will keep a close eye on both.In answer too why do i deserve this. The answer is nobody does, you are young and its especially difficult. I had my first cancer in 2004 and i was about you age, but thankfully it kept away till this year and then it decided to raise its ugly head again.Cancer does not discriminate,young, old, black, white, its just NASTY. Like your self i am awaiting tests to see if my cancer has spread, at the moment it is in too many bone to write about ( if you are bored read my page haha ) they are now looking at my bladder and colon so got an consultants appointment Monday. I can see you have been on here a while and we all have set backs, some with good news some with bad. I hope the new chemo works for you keep safe xx

  • Hi , would be radiation to head a option for you? I had a big one in my head 3,5 cm..but they could operate it so it's gone , this was 3 years ago, only tumor in lung and lymph nodes left, but now since 5 !!! years.

    Hugs Pet