Introducing myself - losing my voice

  • 6 replies
  • 45 subscribers


Firstly, thank you to everyone who has sent me messages of support on the lung cancer forum page and said they were here too :-)

For me one of the hardest things to come to terms with is the fact that I am losing the ability to speak.  As anyone who has spent more than 5 minutes in my company previously would tell you, I could always talk the hind leg off a donkey, lol.

Now (as well as all the metastases in both lungs) there is a large tumour growing at the top of my left lung which is putting pressure on the vagus nerve that controls my vocal cords and that makes it difficult to actually force words out.

It makes me sound a lot worse than I otherwise feel. If I don't try and talk I can still potter around, climb a flight of stairs and look after myself.  But not being able to talk is proving very hard to cope with, more so in some ways than knowing my death is hovering on the horizon.

I am bloody-minded and don't intend to go quietly into the long dark night - as long as I can maintain a good quality of life, I intend to hang on as long as possible and make the most of it. I only have one other family member left now, my older brother, and he is being very supportive despite living 75 miles away. I also have lots of good support locally from friends and neighbours which I value beyond words.  

Now I have found this community here, I hope to be able to contribute to others in return for the support you have already shown to me. 

Rant over - I just needed to get the words out of my head

Best wishes to all


  • Welcome Middlemoor, I love your attitude. I could learn a lot from you, I'm sure. 

    Take care, 

    Stuart x

  • Hi there a warm welcome to our group you will get loads of support on here I do like the fighting talk don't give in I know it's really hard sometimes but keep going and stay strong xxx

  • FormerMember

    hi Middlemoor, the only Middlemoor I know is in Exeter, anyway, welcome to this incredible group I was diagnosed in March, still coming to terms with it all, but I am having treatment, all tumors have shrunk so they don't know how long it will give me?? but then again who knows when their last day is, stay bloody-minded and strong. This group has been blessing just knowing there are people who know what i'm going through is so much help, words won't always help it's just knowing  you can come on here and have a good old rant and people will hear you and give you all the support they can.

    sending positive vibes and stay strong


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Galilee

    Hi Stuart, maybe you will, may be not or not what it seems :-)  I have plenty of words to share, whether any of them are of value depends on the recipient. I have always been a chatterbox so losing the physical ability to speak out even in a whisper is causing me more direct and acute pain than the knowledge that I could fall off the twig in the lightest breeze if the tumour plays up. I need to get the words out of my head before I can untangle my thoughts and I am hoping that using a keyboard will help me to stay in touch with life.

    Losing my voice makes me want to scream so hard it is ripping me apart 

  • Hi Middlemoor

    Welcome to the group. So sorry to hear that you are struggling to speak, for one who speaks freely, it is something I take for granted and brings to mind a former computer tutor who used a voice synthesiser which he pressed against his neck. He refused to give in also as you do. Very commendable. 

    It's a great community, someone around night or day to offer support. Is there a chance that treatment of whatever sort can reduce the size of the tumour that is pressing against the vagus nerve and you can regain your speech?

    Take care


    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi I can't begin to imagine how hard this is for you. I lost my voice completely for about 4-6weeks a few years ago. It was surprising how many people thought it was funny and made jokes about my husband being lucky, although I could see the funny side at first it wore off very quickly. I'd struggle to communicate and give up when it was too hard or too painful, it was frustrating, tiring and isolating. And short lived, so I was lucky.

    Daloni called cancer 'the gift that keeps on taking',  it's easy to see how badly this affects your quality of life. I volunteer with a group of adults with learning difficulties and some of them are non verbal.There are various devices that give them a voice, perhaps there's something that would help you, although I don't know how good they are for chatter boxes...

    This is the place to rant whenever you need to.
