The joys of online shopping

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  • 43 subscribers

Hi everyone, well I am sure there are lots of grumbles out there about this, one of my friends ordered marmite and it was substituted with Nutella. The only likeness I could think of there was that they were both brown! I got an email today to say that they had everything on my shopping list, I thought we were doing well this week. Until the order came.  I know it’s not good for me, I still smoke, that’s my vice! The ciggies were on the order, charged for but not delivered. I blew my top a little and then I phoned up to report it. Of course although I had managed to get through to someone, they couldn’t get through to the store, no one was answering the phone. Wish me luck tomorrow when I try to get either the ciggies delivered or my money back! At least all my food was delivered.                                                     It has been so wet today, my little dog has been most reluctant to go outside, he hung on as long as he could, I have never seen such a fast run to the nearest spot for him to lift his leg, and then full pelt inside again. Amusing to see.’ Love and hugs, Maggie xx

  • hi Maggie,

    You must be fuming!  or maybe not.  As an ex-smoker I can fully sympathise.  When I was at my worst I would have happily broken quarantine to make sure I did not run out of fags.

    My order from Asda arrived this week with all the items I was expecting but unfortunately there had been a problem on the journey and someone else's bottle of red wine had broken but then spilt over my shopping.  Unfortunately it did not manage to marinade any red meat but did soak my soap powder.  I know it is supposed to remove red wine stains but I think it is the tradition to spill it on your clothes first.

    It got sent back and I just hope that we have enough to last us to next week now.

    I always manage to mess something up.  I regularly end up with either double or half of what I intended to order.  What I find frustrating is when I cannot get things online which I know they have at their stores in our area.  My son likes apple and mango juice but I struggle to get it online.  We had to go to a shopping centre the other week to buy him some football boots and when we called in the supermarket for a couple of items the shelf was full of it.

    All the best,

    Gragon xx

  • Hi Maggie

    That made me chuckle! I have really enjoyed going back to shopping in person actually in a shop. I have been going to Waitrose and it's always so quiet. No doubt I will return to online when the weather turns or if virus gets worse. 


    Flowerlady x