Advice wanted

  • 68 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Hi all

Had problems w site and then ended up in hospital w kidney stone!!  At least not cancer related .. so not been on site for a while.

I finished my chemo and saw my consultant on Wednesday last week after a Pet Scan she said that the I had had very good response only one tumour in my liver which has not responded otherwise I am clear.  She said that the MDT discussed resecting the tumour as it is on the surface and easily accessible which would give me a good prognosis - years rather than months.  If there had been a medical reason I would have been disappointed but would have understood but I cannot get my head round his attitude. 

My oncologist still thinks resection is my only hope - no other treatments and no trials available as they are unlikely to start until sometime next year because of covid.  She has suggested a further scan in 6 weeks with a view to asking liver consultant to reconsider but to me 6 weeks is a long time and with covid they may well have stopped surgery again.  Any ideas??


  • Hi Deb1E,

    Sorry you’re feeling rough but so glad they were able to proceed with surgery. Hope you have a super quick recovery!

    Fi x

  • Hi Deb, I was so pleased to read your post! Although you are feeling rough after surgery, just think, it wont be long now until you will be on the mend and you have a much better chance of a good future ahead. I am so pleased you asked to speak to the liver specialist personally, we have to speak up and fight for our life sometimes but in the end WE are the winners!

    I had a disagreement with a Consultant at a hospital on Sunday when I said I wasn't going to be admitted but I will post tomorrow with details and the outcome as I don't want to hijack your post! Get plenty of rest and be a patient patient now and take help when people offer it. It will make them feel good and help you recover!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Deb1E

    Well done,  You did it!

    The worst is over, and now you just have to rest and recover. Gentle hugs from me.

  • Hi all

    Not been on here for a while and can see I have lots to catch up on. 

    I had my op it took more out of me than I expected and Xmas pretty much passed me by this year but they removed all 4 tumours and about 25% of my liver and checked my lymph node and gallbladder,  I wont know any results until next week but once they agreed to operate they were amazing and I was lucky to have it done before the covid numbers started to rise here.  As it was they were busy and juggling beds - I was discharged a bit earlier than expected so that someone in recovery could go to HDU, the HDU patient could move into a side ward and that patient into my bed. 

    Hope everyone had a peaceful Christmas and New Year and fingers crossed for a better 2021 all round xx.

    Carpe Diem
  • . Great to hear from you. Wishing you a speedy recovery from your op.  May the rest of 2021 continue to bring positive news

  • The only way is up. Best wishes Deb1E. Great start to the year. Xxx

  • Hi Deb1E,  I am so relieved to hear your surgery went well. I think we will always 'expect' to recover quicker than is possible after these ops. I have had quite a few myself and people kept saying how well I was doing but I wanted to shout and tell them "oh no I'm not" (missed the Panto this year!) lol! You just take it easy and give your body a chance to recover it's strength! There Will be other Christmases!!  I lost last Christmas because I took a bad virus and in November there my husband and I tested positive for coronavirus so I had the feeling Christmas past would be a washout too but it was lovely!

    Good luck with your results! Even if they don't seem as good as you wanted, remember they have taken a lot of cancer away, so things can only get better! Just concentrate on being spoiled!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi 

    I'm sorry to hear that Christmas pretty much passed you by but as  Annette says there will hopefully be many more Christmases ahead of you. I wish you a speedy recovery and you'll be telling us soon that the surgeon is pleased with his work and he has removed enough cancerous material and soon he'll be giving you good news re your results.

    Good luck with the rest of 2021 Deb.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.