Advice wanted

  • 68 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Hi all

Had problems w site and then ended up in hospital w kidney stone!!  At least not cancer related .. so not been on site for a while.

I finished my chemo and saw my consultant on Wednesday last week after a Pet Scan she said that the I had had very good response only one tumour in my liver which has not responded otherwise I am clear.  She said that the MDT discussed resecting the tumour as it is on the surface and easily accessible which would give me a good prognosis - years rather than months.  If there had been a medical reason I would have been disappointed but would have understood but I cannot get my head round his attitude. 

My oncologist still thinks resection is my only hope - no other treatments and no trials available as they are unlikely to start until sometime next year because of covid.  She has suggested a further scan in 6 weeks with a view to asking liver consultant to reconsider but to me 6 weeks is a long time and with covid they may well have stopped surgery again.  Any ideas??


  • Hi all

    Hope everyone is ok.  Saw the post about Annette - I hope you get better soon not something any of us needs but I have realised from reading posts on the site that people with cancer are pretty tough old (sometimes not so old) birds (I include the guys!).

    After getting myself into a state having not heard from anybody I had a last minute phone call Friday pm to say they had decided to do MRI and had a cancellation yesterday I could have then had another phone call shortly afterwards from the clinic nurse to say my appointment on 18th would go ahead and they would be discussing me today so whatever they have decided the decision has been made.  So another sleepless night but at least I will find out tomorrow.  xx

    Carpe Diem
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Deb1E

    Good luck for you results at least you don’t have to wait too long.Hibiscus

  • Good luck from me too, you've had quite a bit of luck there and good to see your treatment is moving along.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hoping you are ok


    Flowerlady x
  • Thinking of you! How are you?

  • Hi Deb 1E,  You will have to excuse me as I am a bit behind with the posts and still don't get many notifications.

    I wonder would you mind letting me know what happened after the above post, as I can't seem to find and updated ones.

    The thing I find strange is when my oncologist has a meeting about me, when I next see her, she lets me know what they have discussed and any options they have come up with. However "they" do not make any decision about me. After I have heard ALL the facts and their recommendations, it is up to me what happens next, no one else!

    If thismis not the case with you, i cannot understand why! I wonder was any decision made about where your treatment goes from here? I hope you had positive results after your recent MRI scan.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi all

    Have had busy time trying to clear my desk of work and get bills etc sorted out as I saw my oncologist who told me that the lung scans were good BUT (always a but) there are 3 tiny tumours which can be seen on my liver although the main concern is still the one large tumour which did not respond to treatment and is still quite aggressively growing BUT (this time a good but) as it is on the surface and it can be resected easily the MDT had agreed to do so before it causes major issues and I would hear from the surgeon to discuss it further.   

    I then had a telephone call to go and see the surgeon  - long story short the proposal is to operate by open surgery rather than keyhole and remove the other 3 small tumours on my liver at the same time so the liver should be tumour free.  Feeling v nervous now.  I do have the choice to change my mind and elect keyhole surgery to get rid of the large tumour and leave the small tumours in situ and hope they continue to stay dormant but have to decide asap.  Has anyone had open liver surgery?

    The surgeon did ask me to "up" my exercise to make myself as fit as possible before the operation - apparently walking 10-12 miles a week is not enough - he was looking at 5-10 miles a day!  I have now got up to 5 miles a day walking along the prom but that pretty much finishes me off so think 10 is a a pipe dream.  It is also dark by the time I get down there and although it is nice listening to the sea and watching the cruise liners moored in the bay it is starting to get cold but at least it is flat and well lit which is more than I can say about where we live!

    I need to catch up on all the posts but I hope everyone is doing ok or as ok as any of us can be in 2020. At least it is December tomorrow so nearly 2021 and we have the possibility of (1) a vaccination and (2) good news if the Israeli scientists are right about having the ability to destroy tumours completely in the future in just 3 treatments...

    Love to all x

    Carpe Diem
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Deb1E

    Great news Deb!

    Personally, and without all of the info, I'd be likely to take the bull by the horns on the basis that we just don't get that many opportunities for such potentially good outcomes...

    Please let us know and the best of British to you!!!

    Stay Strong


  • Hello Deb1E. We have exchanged the occasional word in the past. Could I say your news seems to be amongst  the best I have heard for some time.

    How about me taking an absolute liberty and agreeing with SiT and saying get stuck in!, whatever you decide, best wishes. X

  • Hi Deb! For me it sounds like good news, if they can operate and get it all out..go girl! What's gone is gone..that's my opinion. Best of luck anyway!!!!