Advice wanted

  • 68 replies
  • 50 subscribers

Hi all

Had problems w site and then ended up in hospital w kidney stone!!  At least not cancer related .. so not been on site for a while.

I finished my chemo and saw my consultant on Wednesday last week after a Pet Scan she said that the I had had very good response only one tumour in my liver which has not responded otherwise I am clear.  She said that the MDT discussed resecting the tumour as it is on the surface and easily accessible which would give me a good prognosis - years rather than months.  If there had been a medical reason I would have been disappointed but would have understood but I cannot get my head round his attitude. 

My oncologist still thinks resection is my only hope - no other treatments and no trials available as they are unlikely to start until sometime next year because of covid.  She has suggested a further scan in 6 weeks with a view to asking liver consultant to reconsider but to me 6 weeks is a long time and with covid they may well have stopped surgery again.  Any ideas??


  • Did anyone else listen to Matt Hancock today - makes me so angry.  All illnesses should be treated and no one should be sidelined. If cancer is not treated and spreads you have a far greater risk of dying than from Covid.....

    Carpe Diem
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Deb1E

    Hi Deb1E, yes heard Matt Hancock, so bloody angry who the hell does he think he is, my partner has liken him to Dr Mengele, and sent him a reply stating he was blackmailing cancer patients, and playing God, 

    Start a petition to remove this vile poor excuse heartless thing from government.

    Apart from all that hope you are well I was just reading your post from last week about your resection, what sort of consultant wouldn't have you in straight away and remove that last tumor?? 

    Keep fighting stay strong and sending positive vibes


  • Hi

    Quick update had phone call today to say that the Consultant Hepatologist has agreed to see me briefly face to face on Monday for me to put my case.  Panicking now what to say without getting upset and angry presume he wants cogent objective argument. so any idea gratefully received. xx

    Carpe Diem
  • . Make some notes before, explain what you believe, ie that the op will give significant time and hopefully quality of life, ask why he believes differently. You’re correct it’s difficult to be objective when so much is at stake. Ask about side effects at risks of surgery. No matter what the answer we need to be onboard and understand that we’ve done all we can. Good luck will be thinking of you

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Deb1E

    HI Deb1E,

    I agree with Youngman, make a list of what you want to ask, but remember above all else it's your life and that's all that matters, practice with your husband over the weekend if only for the time scale as they might limit your time with your appointment.

    And if you're not satisfied with the outcome tell them your a lawyer and sue them LOL.

    good luck for Monday, post  as soon as you can, be thinking of you with everything crossed.


  • Hi Deb1E, Sorry I am a bit late to this discussion but you can ask for a second opinion and a change of surgeon too. Who does this person think they are! I would agree with the others about writing your questions down and be very assertive, it should matter what you want, it's your life, it's worth fighting for. Two questions I would be asking are. 1) If you were a relative would they write you off as quickly without giving you at least a chance? 2) Does this mean the surgeon would not visit a dentist for treatment as it will probably one day come back?  They are talking nonsense.

    I was told I had 5-7 months and I said to my oncologist, there must be something I can try, anything! She then fought for me to get a Trial Drug, even after I had failed the screening for the actual Trial! I took that drug for over three years and am now almost 7 Years passed my sell by date!

    Please don't give up hope because of one Numpty! Write to your MP if need be but fight for life!

    Good luck and don't let them rush you! You are as important as the next patient!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi all

    Thank you for the advice and support - getting nervous now but I have been googling like mad and got together some notes and a couple of case studies I found.  NICE guidelines say you can ask to record discussion so I am going to do that as I can't take anybody with me and not sure I will take it all in otherwise and it might help me be more objective outwardly anyway.  Fingers crossed xx

    Carpe Diem
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Deb1E

    Good luck,  

    I hope it goes well. Fingers crossedFingers crossed

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Deb1E

    Hi  I’m so sorry you have all this added stress to deal with. You’ve had lots of good advice and it’s such a good idea to record the discussion with liver consultant, it’ll give you more time to make sense  of it  all. Thinking of you and sending the best of luck and love. Tina xx

  • Hi all

    Saw Liver Consultant this pm went in ready to fight my corner but he took the wind out of my sails as he said from the start that he had no problem with doing the op - the tumour was on the surface and could be done laparoscopically but as the scan showed there were still two tiny tumours in my lungs he didn't see the point in putting me through what was effectively major surgery if I would not reap any long term benefit because the cancer was still elsewhere.   If the lungs are clear they would do it.  He also thought I was still having chemo with that aim ....  I am now v confused and not sure what to do next....

    He did let me record the meeting (so I hope it worked!) and said he would put it in writing.


    Carpe Diem