First chemo today

  • 10 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Six hours of Gemcitabine and Cisplatin. I have anti nausea pills and steroids for the next few days.

Just eaten pie and potatoes (proper northern) and feeling okay. Mentally on the edge of my seat waiting for any side effects.

Probably an unremarkable status to post, but it feels to me like a milestone worth marking. 

Much love all, 


  • Hi,  How many cycles are you having? I had second cycle yesterday of same stuff. I find my eating is okay same day then goes downhill. Drink loads to stop head aches. After a few days eating should pick up again. Keep taking your temp as well. I like your choice of food, when my appetite returns I eat loads. 

  • Thanks CurlySue123. 

    Six 3-week cycles. Week 2 of the cycle is Gem only, week 3 is off. 

    Keep me updated on how you get on if you don't mind.

    Much love,


  • Mine is same regarding dosage, yesterdays was just gem. Today i feel absolutely knackered. I defo feel worse after the double dose. So apart from no energy im not too bad, and eating loads. However im really sensitive to the smell of cleaning stuff and sanitiser. Also very short tempered. 

  • Thanks again, that's really useful to hear. Best of luck to you. 

    Stuart x

  • Hi Galilee and curly sue

    Just to let you know steroids  can make you short tempered my, hubby used to say i was like the devil in disguise, chemo,can play havoc with smell and taste. I was smelling things that no one else could was bleaching every thing.

    Its part of this journey though you will get threw it.

    Take Care Elliexx

  • Thanks for that, yes I agree the sense of smell is on high alert. I can smell sanitiser a mile away. Also I can smell chemo on me however mant showers i have. I guess im sweating it out. Its horrible. 

  • Also after steroids have stopped it hits you like wham bang its a come downs but after a few days you pick up, its becomes a pattern with each cycle .

    Take Care Elliexx

  • All the very best to you CurlySue & Stuart. I hope the side effects won’t be too harsh for you. I remember the steroids made me ravenous and yes just like ellie says I could smell the rubbish bin a mile off and was forever getting hubby to clean it! Nobody else could smell it! Rofl

  • Thanks everyone. Forewarned is forearmed. 

    Stuart x

  • First three cycles weren’t too bad.  Just remember any affects are temporary.  I had chemo on a Friday and tues/ Wednesday was worst but then improved. Except towards later stages which were harder. Be easy on yourself, don’t do too much, accept help before you need it