RT Itch...

  • 31 replies
  • 50 subscribers

OMG my back is itching like CRAZEEEEEE!!!!!

I had 10 zaps of RT to my chest over three weeks in July '20 and everything went swimmingly, I even had another (6th) infusion of Atezo 2 days after the last session and all was well until about 2 weeks ago when my back started to itch and it just got worse and worse - not painful or anything, just really, REALLY annoying!

AND... right in the one space on my body I can't reach!!!!!!!!! ARGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just to makes things a little more balanced though , the front of my chest has now gone all spotty (and a little itchy) so CHEERS cancer...

I know there's an awful lot worse going on out there with you guys but I thought you might have a little giggle at my expense as I'm off to find a tree and have a grizzly bear itch!

Stay Strong!


  • Hey SiT, that scratcher is cool...but but don't do it to much, i have done it (wooden spoon from kitchen lol) and it started to get inflamed and really hurting

  • Hey   and Flippen 

    Come on ladies, I'm trying to watch football here and I can't concentrate. I've got this idea of morphing into a back scratcher ha ha ha and I can't get it out of my head!!!

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Dear Pet

    Backscratcher is currently better than sex (not that I can remember much about that...) so trying desperately not to go blind... Also, hoping to get a steroid cream from my onc on Thurs when I have my next infusion.

    Dear tvman

    My backscratcher is waaaaayyyy better than any game of football (Rugby man myself) and now I have this vision stuck in my mind of you turning into my backscratcher and that REALLY isn't working for me! OMG!!!!!


    Thank you all for your kind & funny comments but if there is any blame to be attached for this string, then it's obvious that the honour should go to the person that hooked me up with the backscratcher in the first place... You know who you are..........

    as ever, Stay Strong


    Stay Strong


  • Dear Pet

    Backscratcher is currently better than sex (not that I can remember much about that...) so trying desperately not to go blind... Also, hoping to get a steroid cream from my onc on Thurs when I have my next infusion.

    Dear tvman

    My backscratcher is waaaaayyyy better than any game of football (Rugby man myself) and now I have this vision stuck in my mind of you turning into my backscratcher and that REALLY isn't working for me! OMG!!!!!


    Thank you all for your kind & funny comments but if there is any blame to be attached for this string, then it's obvious that the honour should go to the person that hooked me up with the backscratcher in the first place... You know who you are..........

    as ever, Stay Strong


    Stay Strong


  • They say we're all here to be good at one thing. I think perhaps that this back scratcher recommendation was my one thing Smiley

  • haha - I knew you'd 'fess up sooner or later...

    Stay Strong


  • so... as much fun as we have all had, it's probably time to put this string to bed.

    Just had eighth infusion of atezo then a telephone consultation with GP who has prescribed a range of new goodies to treat the RT itch plus a bunch of other stuff for poss related infections so we'll see how we go with that when I pick them up tm am.

    Will let you know the outcome in due course.

    Best & Stay Strong


    Stay Strong


  • Hello All!

    All of the docs and Specialist nurses were too busy to see me at infusion on Thursday (double edged sword - during lockdown, if you were being treated, you got hyper attention - now lot's more people are being treated so you have to get in line, it's a good thing really as it means the newbies at least have a chance...).

    So I contacted my GP who prescribed "Flamazene" which is usually prescribed for burns victims.

    It is effective, I would say approx. 60-70% of the itch, both front and back, is gone. that, along with Galilee's backscratcher, is manageable...

    So. that's this string done!

    All the best & Stay Strong everyone.


    Stay Strong


  • Hi there sit very nearly did a cock up there ha ha ha of all the names to pick you had to pick that one pleased that the flamazene is working for you I know what's it's like constant scratching great to start with then the burning kicks in its one of the side effects of chemo for me but thankfully not had it for a while hopefully it will work for the rest of you if it's managed that much of you so far I bet you can't wait for all your skin to be calm xxx

  • Dear Popgate

    The "h" has been left in more often than not....

    So, itch is better but now ct next monday and brain mri (I keep thinking, if the cancer can find my brain - it's done waaaayyyy better than I ever have!!!!) the week after, looking forward to seeing where we are but really NOT looking forward (if you know what I mean...).

    Stay Strong 

    S*iT (hahahahaha...)

    Stay Strong
