Made it to the hospice

  • 6 replies
  • 43 subscribers

I'm here! Thank Goodness they contacted me with a place yesterday. I still feel atrocious and getting here was awful, but I am glad to be here and being looked after.

Thank you all for all your positive thoughts and wishes, I knew I'd get here when I needed to!

They have upped my steroids to see if that does anything. I am trying not to think too long-term, but I can't cope at home so it's tempting to stay here. Having said that, if the hospice at home service will allow me to be at home with my dogs then I will do that.

Best wishes to all and hoping you're having a positive day, Cesca xxxx

  • Brilliant news Cesca, I am so happy for you. Have a bit of time being looked after then you can decide what is best for you in the longer term.

  • Hi there pleased you have got a place they will look after you one less worry to think about and like norberry says see how you feel when you have been there a bit for longer term plans before you make any decisions and the company will be nice to have around you all the best xxxx

  • FormerMember


    I am so pleased for you. I know from experience that steroids can really help. They boost your appetite and reduce inflammation.  I’m currently being weaned off them as you can’t take them long term. I really hope you won’t know yourself before long. Just relax and let the hospice nurses look after you. 

    With love and hugs 

    xx Daloni 

  • FormerMember

    Thanks so much guys. Turns out I was hugely anaemic and had a blood transfusion yesterday, which has helped a lot. Still very weak with nurses doing everything for me, but definitely feeling stronger and more positive.

  • hopefully your strength will continue to increase and you will get the hospice at home care , wishing you all the best 


    be safe, be nice, be you 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    That’s great news ! I hope you will soon be sitting up with a cup of tea, sharing a joke with the nurses 

    xx daloni