Another candidate for the hospice

  • 69 replies
  • 51 subscribers

well hello, hello.

I have been incommunicado for too long, although very heartened by all your kind messages. I simply wasn’t well enough to construct a sentence and life was just so ghastly I was trying not to dwell on it.

To cut a long story short, I’m now in a hospice. I’m unlikely to get home from here as I have traded pain control for mobility. It is an odd feeling not to have any feeling in my legs. The pain is caused by a spine tumour that’s growing round the nerves coming out of my spine low down. I feel it in my hip, down my right leg and round the bottom of my back.

I arrived here on Tuesday after two weeks in Guys hospital. They were amazing in the face of staff shortages and a legionella infection that saw the ward close and relocate. I felt for the nurses who were rushed off their feet. The palliative care team, the pain team and the oncology team between them mucked about at the edges of the appalling pain I was in but I was simply going through cycles of 20 minutes knock out, being woken by pain and it gradually building until I could get knocked out again. You wouldn’t believe the drugs I was (am) on.

The move to the hospice brought with it blessed relief. A very clever pain specialist inserted a line directly into my spine and there is now a syringe driver feeding a steady cocktail of drugs. I have a second syringe driver in my arm and enough tablets to take each day to make me rattle.  I’m in St Christopher’s Hospice in south London. It is the first and original set up by Dame Cicely Saunders. It’s an hours drive from home. I believe the possibility of a move to a hospice closer to home is being explored but it may not be possible. This is complex pain, there are questions as to whether the closer hospice can manage it and how well the line into my spine would survive an hour’s journey. The pain is not going to get better; it will only get more difficult as the tumour grows. It’s so unlucky! Why did it have to be there?

I am gradually coming to terms with life as she is now. I have a single room on the third floor. The stewards are able to wheel my whole bed out into the beautiful garden. I was outside for three hours yesterday. My family has rallied round in magnificent style to take care of my girls. They have been able to visit and could even bring Noodle. She had to lick my face all over, obviously. But gosh. It’s a shocker to think I won’t stoke my cats or water my plants again. My nieces and daughters will just have to slug it out between them when it comes to the jewellery. I have already given most of the nice bits away but there’s a couple left. Who has the eye to sort the wheat from the chaff, I wonder? Odd the things that play on one’s mind.

That’s it from me for now. Do let me know your news

much love


  • Hi ,

    I love your photo.  I just saw your post on another thread about having to limit your family visitors to two and think you ought to offer the photo to the hospice as publicity proving you can say...  double the number of visitors you are allowed?

    Also, can your red cross friend visit you with a clipboard and advise them that she is undertaking a survey of the conditions for hospice care patients in the UK during the Covid 19 pandemic, hopefully she had got some credentials that she can flash at them to back this up.  That way she will not affect the number of people allowed to visit you although she might have to interview a few others in the hospice for the sake of authenticity.

    You are right of course in agreeing with the restrictions due to covid, I do get so angry about the poor decision making by governments, organisations and individuals which puts everyone at risk.  I think a lot of people just think it will go away after a while if it is ignored.

    I "unshielded" yesterday and went to the supermarket, my first time in a shop or anywhere non medical since April.  I was so anxious the night before that I had to get up at about 2.30 am for fear of disturbing my partner.  I was at the supermarket by about 7.45am and it was fine (except of course they have moved everything around since I was last there so I did not know where some things were).  It was quiet at that time of day, everyone wearing a mask and most people carefully observing social distancing.

    One annoying consequence of the new regulations is that when Mel and Noah met with a friend and her son for a socially distanced coffee they had to give a phone contact in case they needed to be traced.  My wife can never remember her mobile number so gave the home phone instead.  The cafe also decided in it's wisdom that rather than handing over a receipt they would send a text with the details.  I was sitting at home to be told that my wife had spent £6.30 at the cafe and the receipt reference was ....... it then recited a string of about thirty letters and numbers very quickly in case I wanted to query anything.  In the good old days I used to get asked if I wanted a receipt and I would say "No thank you" and that was it.

    I'm pleased to hear that the food is good there.  I know that they try hard in the hospital but feeding that many people over a dispersed site often means that it is not at its best by the time you get it.  Hopefully the numbers there are low enough that you can get a much better service.  I must confess that I am sometimes tempted to pretend to be a bit worse off health wise than I am when I hear the tales of some of the cakes that have been served to my friends in their local hospice.

    This does bring me to another question, what is the plural of hospice as when I try to say it I end up with a description of what a horse does when it lifts it's tail!  

    Anyway, back to one of my favourite subjects food.  The government is looking at banning fast food advertising before 9pm and preventing fast food companies from promoting two for the price of one deals.  It then produces it's eat out to help out scheme which includes all the big fast food companies and promotes an offer which enables people to buy a meal from a fast food outlet and get another one free.  You have to sit in to get the offer but that is (literally a small price to pay.

    I have taken advantage of the offer myself having booked a table for when we are in Whitby in three weeks time.  It shows how popular it is as on a Monday night there were only two times available as all the others had been taken.  It is a fish restaurant but they offer much more than just the usual fish and chips (love them though I do) and it is a nice opportunity for me to try fish that I have not had before.  Like a lot of good fish restaurants what they have on the menu depends partially upon what has been caught.

    I'm pleased that you and your ex managed to have a good conversation and that your daughter is back in contact with him.  I'm sure that will make a big difference for her in the future.  It's also good to hear that your family and friends continue to rally around and help to sort things out for your daughters.  I'm sorry that you have had to make these plans and decisions, it must have been heart-breaking but I am sure that having done so it is also a relief to you all.

    You say that you are not mobile and cannot escape if the Matron decides you deserve to be punished.  I beg to differ!   Please see the attached....escape plan 1

    All the best, love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    Brilliant escape plan! It might just work...

    I am having a slow morning here. Egg and tomato on toast for breakfast should be followed by a wash. I do love the nurses here, who are so gentle and kind. I’m getting into the swing of things now and while I think I will never really become accustomed to being dependent on others, I can accept the need. 


  • I know taking it easy doesn't come naturally to you daloni but it might relax your mind for a bit. God knows why I think I know, must be down to studying psychology at school 60 years ago!

    I think I would be choosing kippers as long as I was in a single room!

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    Dearest Daloni, Sent you a PM before reading your update - apologies. Such a shame you are so far away from home and visiting in London never easy. Let's hope they find you a bed nearer to home BUT if you need this particular Hospice's pain control - you will have to weigh this up carefully methinks. I am fortunate to have several EOL care homes within 8 miles and am going to visit soon to try to make a choice. Am off all chemo drugs (oral) and can't do Chemo because kidneys are only 44% and now have brain mets. Just on steroids to reduce inflammation on brain. Trying to get to the bottom of a severe shoulder pain I've had for a couple of months and waiting on an MRI following Xrays and CT. Think it's in my bones there too. Happy days. I have a great team around me with a great GP and a super Mac Nurse, who have both known me for the almost 7 years I'be been kicking this C bugger. I feel quite confident (as one can be) in their care, always a help. Take care of you and enjoy the sunshine when you can and visits from your doglet!! As you know my dakkis might hve difficulty getting to lick me with their little legs!! Sorry typing going downhill BUT please keep posting - I'm still managing so far. Love and many virtual (((hugs))) Diz xxx

  • Oh Dizzie Its lovely to see a thread from you, but on reading i was a bit taken back buy the contents.

    Pleased that you have things in place and every one is supporting you. I am a bit lost for words on what to say, but it was nice to see you posting.'

    See you again Take Care Ellie xx

    You Never Walk A Lone

  • Thanks for the reply I thought you might appreciate a photo.

    unfortunately I have been unwell since with vomiting and headaches. I have more proteinuria and the district nurse came to take bloods today.

    i have started eating small amounts now and got some energy drinks 


  • FormerMember
    • Hi daloni i really hope you get this message as I too am having trouble with this new site, it is such good news that you have your pain relief that is working for you and am glad the hospice has a lovely garden its meant to be a lovely next few days so I hope you get to sit out again if your like me the sunshine really does makes me feel a bit better gives me a little lift had my chemo yesterday last 2 was cancelled due to my blood's not been right which did not please me as I can not have my biopsy till  this course of chemo is finished the biopsy is  for my cervix I have been getting such bad pain done there so there gunna organise a earlier scan because of the pain I have been panicking its spread i am trying to look forward  to my birthday in 2 weeks but we will have to wait to see what if any more changes from the government, anyway like I said I hope you get yhis message and you gets lots of visitors in the next few days so you can all enjoy the garden and sunshine                ALL MY LOVE AND HUGS xxx                                                 Charlotte Louise 
  • Hi Diz  It's good to see you post again but sorry about the new prognosis! You and I were diagnosed in the same year and we've both been kicking C's butt! Just thinking back, we now know no one can predict when we die, so just you keep on kicking! I'm sorry you can no longer drive, that must have been a blow. In saying that, I haven't driven my car since about late January. We went on holiday in February and it was only a week or so after we got back when the Lockdown started! Since they eased that, I have had too much pain in my leg to even think of driving but hopefully I will get back to it soon.

    I think you are very wise, checking out the hospices sooner rather than later and then once you have made your decision, you can then put it on the back burner. I hope for a very long time yet! Hope you keep posting to keep us up to date, as you have asked Daloni to do! We've missed you!  

    Take care, Love Annette xxx

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • HI   I've just read your post and looked at your escape's great! I'm pleased to read you have started to go out and about again. It is quite difficult at first. I hate those masks, I find it hard to breathe in them, so my husband got me a shield type one with the elastic round your head. I have not been in many shops yet but while away at the weekend we did take advantage of the Eat out, Help out scheme. We went to Weatherspoons and had 2 meals, plus a Diet Coke and a tea. All hot or cold drinks (except alcohol) were free refills. It was very cheap. Next morning we had breakfast in a cafe on the Prom called the Pavillion Cafe and they were also in the scheme! It turned out to be a very inexpensive break!

    HI    To be honest it might have said Wheaten Irish Terrier, I tried to check but couldn't get back to the post! This site seems to change with the wind, one minute it allows you to move to another page in a post with a few pages, the next ni ute it doesn't! I posted here earlier do Diz then tried to reply to you and Gragon and I was taken back to the sign in page which said I was not a member of the Incoragables and wouldn't let me in, so I gave up!

    Thats why I'm replying to you both at the one time, in case the site decides I'm not a member here! OH YES I AM!!!

    Love to all Annette X 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!