Another candidate for the hospice

  • 69 replies
  • 51 subscribers

well hello, hello.

I have been incommunicado for too long, although very heartened by all your kind messages. I simply wasn’t well enough to construct a sentence and life was just so ghastly I was trying not to dwell on it.

To cut a long story short, I’m now in a hospice. I’m unlikely to get home from here as I have traded pain control for mobility. It is an odd feeling not to have any feeling in my legs. The pain is caused by a spine tumour that’s growing round the nerves coming out of my spine low down. I feel it in my hip, down my right leg and round the bottom of my back.

I arrived here on Tuesday after two weeks in Guys hospital. They were amazing in the face of staff shortages and a legionella infection that saw the ward close and relocate. I felt for the nurses who were rushed off their feet. The palliative care team, the pain team and the oncology team between them mucked about at the edges of the appalling pain I was in but I was simply going through cycles of 20 minutes knock out, being woken by pain and it gradually building until I could get knocked out again. You wouldn’t believe the drugs I was (am) on.

The move to the hospice brought with it blessed relief. A very clever pain specialist inserted a line directly into my spine and there is now a syringe driver feeding a steady cocktail of drugs. I have a second syringe driver in my arm and enough tablets to take each day to make me rattle.  I’m in St Christopher’s Hospice in south London. It is the first and original set up by Dame Cicely Saunders. It’s an hours drive from home. I believe the possibility of a move to a hospice closer to home is being explored but it may not be possible. This is complex pain, there are questions as to whether the closer hospice can manage it and how well the line into my spine would survive an hour’s journey. The pain is not going to get better; it will only get more difficult as the tumour grows. It’s so unlucky! Why did it have to be there?

I am gradually coming to terms with life as she is now. I have a single room on the third floor. The stewards are able to wheel my whole bed out into the beautiful garden. I was outside for three hours yesterday. My family has rallied round in magnificent style to take care of my girls. They have been able to visit and could even bring Noodle. She had to lick my face all over, obviously. But gosh. It’s a shocker to think I won’t stoke my cats or water my plants again. My nieces and daughters will just have to slug it out between them when it comes to the jewellery. I have already given most of the nice bits away but there’s a couple left. Who has the eye to sort the wheat from the chaff, I wonder? Odd the things that play on one’s mind.

That’s it from me for now. Do let me know your news

much love


  • I give up, this is beyond me now, been a hard few days trying to make sense of all this, going to start drinking and i do not mean tea, case of have no hair lwft, so  got to turn to something else.

  • Noberry have been threw the threads you and i sent i cannot find them anywhere, the ones first thing this daloni, 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ellie 73
    • Man this is a mess! Posts and photos lost. Log outs. I’m trying to maintain a sense of humour here but really? I am actually in the middle of dying right here and I could do with my pals around me. I am so sorry if that goes too far but it’s actually the truth. 

    Think I might pull rank


  • oh daloni nothing makes seance here any more, pull rank i will back you along with many others, we do not need this

  • Yes please do pull rank - I'm trying again for the fourth day in a row to post and I'm wondering if it'll work. I had a long list of instructions from admin about what to try on my computer (phone won't even open any of it) and I'm really cross that as you say Daloni, you're sick and I can't even say that I'm here. 

    Come on Macmillan - sort it out. 

  • they have made so much hard work, people do to need this, its become so stressful on top of everything else in our lives, i am fed up  with mess error not connected but i am  internet working fine, its like we have nothing better to do than try and waste our time trying to understand why oh why did they change it for the better not for me  Rant Over

  • Ok - good it did work - I'm now having to be 'incognito' on my computer though... Bizarre 

    Right, now I've calmed down (seriously, that was really frustrating - I hope there aren't people who have tried to have a go and given up who really need all this) I wanted to say hello - great photo   so glad you can be in the garden in a bed - how brilliant is that. 

    oops - think dinner is burning - better go and sort that out to feed the kiddos. 

    lots of love everyone - its nice to be readmitted! 

  • Dear Daloni

    It's a beautiful picture, full of happiness. I am so glad to hear that you have sorted so many emotional and practical issues. 


    Flowerlady x
  • Hi , very nice to see a happy picture of you all in the garden. Also some positive reminiscing about holidays on the other thread. As I child every Easter we went to grandparents in Dumfrieshire. No motorways when we first travelled up I don’t think so it took ages, I can remember one year we had an extended holiday as the clutch went on the car going down the steep hill at Sharp, I had my first ride in a Mercedes as some kind sole gave our family a lift back into Scotland while the car was being repaired. Summers were usually spent in a caravan we had near Aberystwyth in Wales, where I think it always rained for half of the summer. But we usually had lots of games of rounders or French cricket, don’t ask me what the difference is I have no idea, it’s just what I remember it being called. The ruins of Aberystwyth Castle were a wonderful place to play as well. When it rained there were always the Dodgems and the Cinema to go to. I remember not wanting to go to see Chitty Chitty Bang Bang as the trailer with the child catcher was too scary. 

    Well that’s enough reminiscing have to be up early tomorrow to take hubby to the hospital. 

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ruthjp


    I saw your beautiful daughter’s photo on site the other day and tired so hard to add my appreciation. She looked fabulous! Glad I have found this thread to add it in now