Another candidate for the hospice

  • 69 replies
  • 51 subscribers

well hello, hello.

I have been incommunicado for too long, although very heartened by all your kind messages. I simply wasn’t well enough to construct a sentence and life was just so ghastly I was trying not to dwell on it.

To cut a long story short, I’m now in a hospice. I’m unlikely to get home from here as I have traded pain control for mobility. It is an odd feeling not to have any feeling in my legs. The pain is caused by a spine tumour that’s growing round the nerves coming out of my spine low down. I feel it in my hip, down my right leg and round the bottom of my back.

I arrived here on Tuesday after two weeks in Guys hospital. They were amazing in the face of staff shortages and a legionella infection that saw the ward close and relocate. I felt for the nurses who were rushed off their feet. The palliative care team, the pain team and the oncology team between them mucked about at the edges of the appalling pain I was in but I was simply going through cycles of 20 minutes knock out, being woken by pain and it gradually building until I could get knocked out again. You wouldn’t believe the drugs I was (am) on.

The move to the hospice brought with it blessed relief. A very clever pain specialist inserted a line directly into my spine and there is now a syringe driver feeding a steady cocktail of drugs. I have a second syringe driver in my arm and enough tablets to take each day to make me rattle.  I’m in St Christopher’s Hospice in south London. It is the first and original set up by Dame Cicely Saunders. It’s an hours drive from home. I believe the possibility of a move to a hospice closer to home is being explored but it may not be possible. This is complex pain, there are questions as to whether the closer hospice can manage it and how well the line into my spine would survive an hour’s journey. The pain is not going to get better; it will only get more difficult as the tumour grows. It’s so unlucky! Why did it have to be there?

I am gradually coming to terms with life as she is now. I have a single room on the third floor. The stewards are able to wheel my whole bed out into the beautiful garden. I was outside for three hours yesterday. My family has rallied round in magnificent style to take care of my girls. They have been able to visit and could even bring Noodle. She had to lick my face all over, obviously. But gosh. It’s a shocker to think I won’t stoke my cats or water my plants again. My nieces and daughters will just have to slug it out between them when it comes to the jewellery. I have already given most of the nice bits away but there’s a couple left. Who has the eye to sort the wheat from the chaff, I wonder? Odd the things that play on one’s mind.

That’s it from me for now. Do let me know your news

much love


  • FormerMember

    My Dear, Dear  ,

    So wonderful to hear from you, we were ALL concerned. I am sorry for the prior pain and confinement at the hospital.  

    I am joyful that they have managed your pain at Hospice, a real Godsend. I am impressed with your quality of care and the individual efforts of all your  medical team.   You made the best choice for the circumstances. And it is fabulous that you can be wheeled out to the garden!!!  Perhaps you can adopt one or two plants as your own, (just do not tell anyone, and maybe plant a couple of seeds??). Can you have a couple of pots of plants brought to your room to water? I hope the pain relief will let you seek happiness, peace and joy where ever and when ever possible.  And I am so excited that you got to see Noodles, so great. How are your girls doing? You have done an excellent job with them. Are they home where they send you photos of your sunflowers? 

    OK,  news from my side across the pond. I think I am having sympathy pains with you.  My serious spinal pains started in March a month and a half after  first 2020 BR treatment.  There was a treatment respite at beginning of Covid so next two cycles 28 days apart were in June and  in July- spinal pain has been at 8-9 level since June.I take tylenol to help (since all NSAIDS (aspirin, Advil, naperson etc) block new bone growth)). I still need at least one percocet  a day to keep it down to a pain level of 4.  Cause? Partly  poor bone genetics, a more major part  due to the Bendamustine  (as all alkylating agents like chorambucil, cyclophosphamide) can decrease vertebrae bone density.  Next BR cycle was planned for mid August, but have postponed until I get bone strength measurements from quantitive CT.  Also I am now on a new anabolic bone drug called Evenity which promotes new bone growth and hence increases bone density. Hoping pain disappears as more bone is present. We will see. 

    My Mr Skipi (Helen Keller dog, both deaf and blind with an emotional Intelligence score at the top of the scale) is still trapped in Kauai with friends, working on a plan to get him back soon. Also I have one sunflower about 10 feet tall. Will post photos hopefully right side up on the gardening site later. 

    Thank you so much for posting -I really missed your wit and perspective. You are precious.

    Hugs and Love to you and to our Gang, 


  • FormerMember

    My Dear, Dear  ,

    So wonderful to hear from you, we were ALL concerned. I am sorry for the prior pain and confinement at the hospital.  

    I am joyful that they have managed your pain at Hospice, a real Godsend. I am impressed with your quality of care and the individual efforts of all your  medical team.   You made the best choice for the circumstances. And it is fabulous that you can be wheeled out to the garden!!!  Perhaps you can adopt one or two plants as your own, (just do not tell anyone, and maybe plant a couple of seeds??). Can you have a couple of pots of plants brought to your room to water? I hope the pain relief will let you seek happiness, peace and joy where ever and when ever possible.  And I am so excited that you got to see Noodles, so great. How are your girls doing? You have done an excellent job with them. Are they home where they send you photos of your sunflowers? 

    OK,  news from my side across the pond. I think I am having sympathy pains with you.  My serious spinal pains started in March a month and a half after  first 2020 BR treatment.  There was a treatment respite at beginning of Covid so next two cycles 28 days apart were in June and  in July- spinal pain has been at 8-9 level since June.I take tylenol to help (since all NSAIDS (aspirin, Advil, naperson etc) block new bone growth)). I still need at least one percocet  a day to keep it down to a pain level of 4.  Cause? Partly  poor bone genetics, a more major part  due to the Bendamustine  (as all alkylating agents like chorambucil, cyclophosphamide) can decrease vertebrae bone density.  Next BR cycle was planned for mid August, but have postponed until I get bone strength measurements from quantitive CT.  Also I am now on a new anabolic bone drug called Evenity which promotes new bone growth and hence increases bone density. Hoping pain disappears as more bone is present. We will see. 

    My Mr Skipi (Helen Keller dog, both deaf and blind with an emotional Intelligence score at the top of the scale) is still trapped in Kauai with friends, working on a plan to get him back soon. Also I have one sunflower about 10 feet tall. Will post photos hopefully right side up on the gardening site later. 

    Thank you so much for posting -I really missed your wit and perspective. You are precious.

    Hugs and Love to you and to our Gang, 


  • Hi Daloni

    Nice to hear your voice, as it were. I am so pleased that you are in a more comfortable place and you have even seen Noodle. The hospice sounds lovely and caring. 

    Much love, take care xx

    Flowerlady x
  • Lovely photo's Ruth and you obviously got the best weather for your trip.

    Gragon xx

  • On the same vein daloni, my sister went to Nymans today and said the same about the gardens there. She said it looked like they hadn't been weeded for six months, probably a fact!

    How did your visit go with your Red Cross chum and your small girl!

    I bet it was hard to get a word in edgeways between the three of you.

    Apologies if you have already reported back to your friends here, it is a matter of luck for me if I can even log on. 

    Please say your are still doing a bluebird impression, due to no pain, my imagination ran away with me when I read that! Xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

    I took the precaution of writing this is in another programme to to copy and paste here. It may appear once. It may appear 15 times or none? Who knows. I live in hope....

    Hi gang, it’s been a few days and it’s time I came back to say hello to you all again. I’ve been reading but I’ve been too afraid to post because of the site issues. I just don’t want to raise my blood pressure.

    I feel mixed about whether to post here or in the “great hospice care” thread because I’m still at the hospice and I’m still having great care. The nurses are amazing, the food is great, the garden a delight and I met yet be transferred to a hospice just 15 minutes drive from home.

    I am struggling with my loss of independence. I can’t move myself anymore. My legs are out of action. I have help with everything now. The nurses tell me they’ve seen it all before. I tell them it’s my first time! We are getting there.

    I tried to note down some bits the folk here were imagining. I  do have a posh voice, yes, but it’s vey low pitched. Not high at all. I can make myself sound very louche as I swing a bottle of bubbly. KTathome - thank you, thank you thank you. So much news. Spot on. No need to add a thing. Big smile.

    My own news from home is that rallying continues and is the new normal.  Big girl, who has serious mental illness issues, is doing the best she can. She’s moving into uni, making sure her living place is safe and taking care of herself. I am happy for her.

    All the big decisions that need to be made have been made. Small girl has reached the limit of her autonomy and I’ve made the final decision for her. It was interesting to see how grateful she was for that. I think I won’t go into the detail here. The key thing has been everyone talking to each other and putting the child’s needs first.  Schools, Young carers, social work (on the periphery, I understand), parents, trustees etc etc.  It’s been amazing and I’m beginning to understand why people tell me I’m amazing.

    My ex and I have been able to get down in words a forgiving and truthful narrative about the end of our marriage. We adored each other. Life became too hard, mistakes were made. We neither of us stopped loving the the other but we had changed. So here we are now in a different world. The girls’ childhood was lived in a happy home, full of love. That’s all. It’s made things easier for everyone. Big girl has been able to see her dad for the first time in 18 months. Small girl is building her new world (the autocucumber keeps correcting to burning her bra!!!! Pack it in!) I feel at peace.

    Covid is making life irksome. They are restricting to family visitors here for now. I understand and I agree. I also am not rightly sure what to do when  a guest flies in from the other side of Europe on poor info. Suffice to say I was in big trouble with Matron after last week’s garden party. I think I’m forgiven.  Trouble is, I can’t run away and I don’t know the currency in here.....(I assume you know I’m joking?)

    That’s it for now. Big love and hugs to my special incorrigible friends


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Line up, left to right. 

    Small girl, Noodle, Red Cross pal, niece, me in bed. It was a lot of fun Blush

  • Oh daloni, what a lovely photo, you all look so happy, and was a nice day.

    Read you thread what a wonderful writer you are, not like me, i cannot follower  that, my words are few and far between,.

    Though i face to face would be a different story you would not be able to stop me.

    So glad you are being well looked after and spoilt rotten you deserve it, you are in my thoughts.

    Take Care Wllie xx

  • Now that is wrong but made you laugh  should say  ELLIE ELLIE ELLIE xx