Another candidate for the hospice

  • 69 replies
  • 51 subscribers

well hello, hello.

I have been incommunicado for too long, although very heartened by all your kind messages. I simply wasn’t well enough to construct a sentence and life was just so ghastly I was trying not to dwell on it.

To cut a long story short, I’m now in a hospice. I’m unlikely to get home from here as I have traded pain control for mobility. It is an odd feeling not to have any feeling in my legs. The pain is caused by a spine tumour that’s growing round the nerves coming out of my spine low down. I feel it in my hip, down my right leg and round the bottom of my back.

I arrived here on Tuesday after two weeks in Guys hospital. They were amazing in the face of staff shortages and a legionella infection that saw the ward close and relocate. I felt for the nurses who were rushed off their feet. The palliative care team, the pain team and the oncology team between them mucked about at the edges of the appalling pain I was in but I was simply going through cycles of 20 minutes knock out, being woken by pain and it gradually building until I could get knocked out again. You wouldn’t believe the drugs I was (am) on.

The move to the hospice brought with it blessed relief. A very clever pain specialist inserted a line directly into my spine and there is now a syringe driver feeding a steady cocktail of drugs. I have a second syringe driver in my arm and enough tablets to take each day to make me rattle.  I’m in St Christopher’s Hospice in south London. It is the first and original set up by Dame Cicely Saunders. It’s an hours drive from home. I believe the possibility of a move to a hospice closer to home is being explored but it may not be possible. This is complex pain, there are questions as to whether the closer hospice can manage it and how well the line into my spine would survive an hour’s journey. The pain is not going to get better; it will only get more difficult as the tumour grows. It’s so unlucky! Why did it have to be there?

I am gradually coming to terms with life as she is now. I have a single room on the third floor. The stewards are able to wheel my whole bed out into the beautiful garden. I was outside for three hours yesterday. My family has rallied round in magnificent style to take care of my girls. They have been able to visit and could even bring Noodle. She had to lick my face all over, obviously. But gosh. It’s a shocker to think I won’t stoke my cats or water my plants again. My nieces and daughters will just have to slug it out between them when it comes to the jewellery. I have already given most of the nice bits away but there’s a couple left. Who has the eye to sort the wheat from the chaff, I wonder? Odd the things that play on one’s mind.

That’s it from me for now. Do let me know your news

much love


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello, I’m so pleased you no longer in pain Daloni.  But so desperately sad that you are at the stage you are.  I don’t post a lot but right from the first time I joined a year ago on the 19th August I felt connected to you as you have children of the same age as two of mine.  One at uni and one meant to have done GSCEs this year. I don’t know what I’m trying to say really but if life had a slither of fairness this shouldn’t happen.  I admire your courage, intelligence, your ability for selecting the right words at the right time - such a gift. And I’ve been lucky enough to have heard them.  With lots of love Sarah xx

  • Hi GANG, Well, I finally made it! I did manage to post earlier today but to be honest, I'm not sure where I replied! Obviously not here! Oh Daloni how great to hear your news and I'm so pleased and relieved they have finally got the pain under control! I wonder where you would rather be! Where you are with the lovely staff and being able to take your bed into the garden or at the hospice nearer your house? It's a tricky one but as long as the pain is under control, that's the main thing!

    Ruth, I'm glad to hear your pain is also under control! Swimming in an outdoor pool is amazing I wonder have you done this before, or is this a first?

    KTat home Thanks for your help in getting onto the new site! You should be a Community Champion!! Oh that's right, you are already one!LOL! Well there can't be 2 Tvmen, so I assume Tvman & Tvman2 are the same but just the upgrade because of the site! Lol! I'm just picturing you and Gragon in your gardens deciding what veg to have with your evening meal! So fresh and delicious, well done you two! Devon Cat, don't worry about the liver function going up and down while on treatment, when I was on treatment mine went up and down like a yoyo and we never did phatham out why!

    I had an MRI on Tuesday past and it was horrendous! I was in the scanner for 1 hour 50 minutes and I couldn't believe the pain I was in. Luckily when my son came to collect me he came right along to the scanning suite or I don't know how I would have managed to the car. I've now been taken off Morphine and changed to Fentynil Patches with Gabapentin and paracetamol in between! A bit like you Daloni, if you shook me I'm sure I would rattle.

    My husband and I are going to the seaside for a few days, leaving THIS morning! We are staying in a hotel in Ayr, which is Burns Country. The sand is golden and goes on for miles. It's fine for me going along in my electric buggy with my husband trying to keep up!! It's only an hour or so from home but it saves driving back and forth. I love the sea, the sea air, the waves, the wind, the spray in your face when the tide comes in! It is just fantastic. We have missed out on a few seaside holidays this year already so I can't wait!

    To everyone who've managed it to the new site, good for you Norberry, Plastic, Lynn2 and Dance in the Rain well done!

    Isn't it great, you can actually scroll up and down the posts WHILE you are replying, it certainly helps when you have a so so memory!

    Take Care Everyone, I'll be back! Love Annette X           It's just taken me an hour to post this and I thought I was doing so well!!!!!

    Sent via my iPad!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • HI Daloni!

    I'm glad your pain is under control now..and visits from your family and even Noddles it's great. Still it's hard for me to think where you now are...hugs Pet

  • Dearest  Daloni

    My thoughts and prayers are with you You are a brave and wonderful person

    I  am not allowed to post here but know what I don’t  give a stuff 

    Much love Petronella xxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Poppydust

    Hi Petronella

    How  lovely to hear from you, especially saying such nice things. I won’t tell if you don’t.....and do you know how many stuffs I give? Zero stuffs. 
    But lots of love xxxxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry


    How was Sissinghurst? I think it’s the most wonderful garden and there’s plenty of walking nearby.  Oh how I wish....but I have my memories of happy times. 

    You’re right about . You and he and Ruth all make me laugh out loud. and I have history, unfortunately, so best left well alone. Don’t need any more admin trouble, do we tvman?

    I hope everyone has a something nice to look forward to today. If not, then make one up pronto! I have visitors coming today including a very dear friend from my Red Cross days and my little one. My heart is fairly bursting out of my chest for the sheer anticipation and love 


  • Good morning daloni, it sounds awful and selfish to say, when we were lucky enough to be able to stagger around the gardens, but they were a mess. I suppose all the gardeners were laid off. They did look better after some drink but there again, so do I!

    On a different subject, reading about all of the forums gardeners heroic efforts growing green things, I have sweet peas and nothing else. My chum who does my work in the garden has rotivated the vegetable patch, netted it and laid pathways to enable planting. Has the patch had sight of a single plant, of course not, still getting our 5 a day at Waitrose! Its disgraceful I know.

    I am hot and sweaty from the hormone treatment from which the only relief is quantities of wine and a rollie when her indoors cannot see me!

    I hope you have been abseiled down to the garden again to see your visitors, it must be a massive treat for them and you. Xx

  • We had a lovely time my daughter in the front came with me weather was lovely

    and the changing towels worked well


  • Oh that looks lovely Ruth, your daughter looks really happy, what a lovely smile! We have come away for a few days, my husband and I!  Just over an hour from home to Ayr. I did want to go for a paddle but the tide had gone too far out,miso it was a long walk on the sand to get to it, I'd never make it that far with elbow crutches, but hopefully tomorrow the tide will be in quite a bit more than today so that I can get in for a paddle! Our 3 grandchildren with their mums & dads! So that should be fun but exhausting!  I'm off now for a shower a cup of tea, to do some jigsaws on my iPad then read my Kindle! I hope by that time, I will be so tired,mi will fall asleep.  

    It has taken me ages to write thi's because I keep dozing off! So that is a promising sign, I might actually get sum sleep tonight!!

    Night night All, especially you and oDaloni! I hope everyone sleeps well tonight!!

    Take Care Love Annette xxx 



    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!