CT Scan results

  • 3 replies
  • 42 subscribers

I had a CT scan on 6th and it is now 22nd with now results. It is frustrating because the last one showed several of the tumours had grown and I am hoping that has either stopped or, now immuno has resumed they might have even shrunk a bit. 

I've got an MRI next week for my brain tumour so maybe they want to have the discussion about it all in one go?

Has anyone else had delays as it is making me wonder if they want the Dr to discuss and not the specialist nurse as it is bad news. I know I should be positive but it it making me a bit worried, it's always the not knowing isn't it?

  • Hi Phil

    Try not to worry, i had my scan on the 9th June and oncologist phoned on the 27th with the results.

    Think every thing is just taking a little loner.

    Take Care Ellie xx

    "You Never Walk A Lone"

  • , Hi Phil!

    Yes that waiting game is frustrating, but i hope they really just wait for the MRI to come and get it sorted all together..i'm on Nivu since nearly 4 years now and it worked for me, so fingers crossed for you!!!


  •  Hi Phil, Yes as  ( ) KATH said, everything is taking a bit longer just now but it's quite logical that they would wait until all the scans are done and reported before letting you know! If they told you the result of the CT scan now, you'd just worry until you got the MRI result anyway! On here we call it "scanxiety" it happens to us all. It doesn't seem to matter if you have been having scans for months or years, scanxiety Seems to raise its ugly head! Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!