Thankyou all

  • 4 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi there thank you to everyone who have replied to my news it fills me with such happiness I can't tell you what it means to me that knowing that people actually care about me when I am having one of my many meltdowns or if I have good news to tell thank you everyone who follows my journey xxxx

  • Hi Flippen

    That's very considerate of you to say that, you're one of a great group of friends that are a very special part of my life. 

    We care of course if you're not having a good day or even week. We're here to give you a boost, you must remember that.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember

    Sorry to read you have been down in the dumps.This journey has so many ups and downs I try and 

    remind myself the bad time will pass and tomorrow maybe a better day.Hard  to do when you are not feeling well or worried.Its good to know you always have someone to talk to on here and they understKissd how you are feeling.You take careKiss

  • Oh tvman what a lovely and moving post you have sent me you have such a way with words where as I waffle on and feel sometimes I have put both my size 9 feet in and I was having wait for it a pot noodle and I had to stop eating it as you have moved me to tears but in a good way I will finish it in a bit when I can see to eat it xxx

  •  Hi Flippen, Of course we care about you! That's why although it's a group most people don't really want to join, in the long run, they are glad they did. I think this cancer journey is like a roller coaster (& I hate roller coasters!) when you are diagnosed, you don't know what kind of roller coaster it is! It could be a BIg Dipper with really high hi's and really low lo's or it could be one of those ones that takes a long time to get used to as you don't know what's around the corner! The one thing you know for sure is you are not alone, everyone in this group is here for you. Some have had a rough ride others maybe not so rough, some have been here for weeks, months or years, so there's always someone in front and behind you.  We are all in it together to hold one another's hand until the trip levels out a bit!

    It's a comfort knowing you have others on your side, so reach out and we will be here! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!