Results day

  • 6 replies
  • 43 subscribers

Hi everyone just thought I would let everyone know I had my consultant results today I am still stable and bloods were good too no new growths and all the ones I have have stayed the same so good news today been told today again that I am a miracle really thought this was going to be the one as have had more twinges  of pain recently so as usual thought all the growths were growing so the swinging pendulum continues for me i will keep fighting on and on xxxx

  • Well done this is good news xx


  • FormerMember

    Hi Popgate thats a good news.I am having a treatment for breast cancer mets in my lungs too.Having a chemo since August 2019 so far all scans showed shrinking but like you I am having some pains here and there and I am dreading of the next scan on 4.8.I imagine how its growing again like a mushroom.I wish i could have the scan tomoŕrow just to stop thinking about the results.

    Anyway I am happy for you.Keep fighting.


  • FormerMember

    Hi Popgate

    really good news and great to hear xx

  • Hi

    What wonderful news I'm so happy for you. You keep fighting girl.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi and ,

    I have tumours in my abdominal cavity and one is large enough to cause my flank to bulge slightly so I know exactly where it is.  I complained to my team about pain and was reminded that the treatment is designed to attack the cancer so pain in the tumour site could well be a good thing.  At my next scan the tumour had shrunk so it was tumour pain caused by part of the tumour dying.

    Twinges and pain are not always bad news, especially when you are in treatment.

    I'm pleased to hear your good news.

    Love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • What great news I'm so pleased for you! Don't you think it's strange that it's always around scan and results time we start to feel all the niggles, it's human nature. Or as says, sometimes pain can be a positive thing especially during treatment!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!