Problems online

  • 6 replies
  • 41 subscribers

hi everybody hope you are all ok, having problems online although am not very good when it comes to technology I can read post start a discussion but can't message people unless I reply to a message back so I can't even welcome new members to the group any tips anyone xx

  • Hi Charlotte, Just a thought but have you signed in so that your username is near the top on the right hand side of the page? Sometimes when I come onto the site, I am already signed in but other times I have to sign in myself. If you can see the "like" button at the bottom of a post you are signed in, if not, you need to Log in. To log in, go to the top right where it usually says your username and it will say Log in!

    There are some problems with the site. Did you receive an email to say they are going to make improvements soon? It can be a difficult site to find your way round but maybe write to admin if what I've suggested doesn't work.

    OR I'm sure one of the Community Champions will reply and help later! Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember


    The site is currently creaking at the seams. A new site is being tested as I type and will be launched soon - there’s a thread announcing it here in this group. 

    Meanwhile, I’ve just asked the community team to get in touch with help. I hope you’ll hear from them by email soon. 

    I am fed up with the clunky system. The upgrade can’t come soon enough. It’s a huge investment by Macmillan and I’m grateful for it. This community is my life line. But the line is getting frayed. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi daloni I thought it was just me doing something wrong but It was not like this at the start I dont want people to think I dont care if I dont get in touch but its because I cant unless I get a message from someone then I can reply i get really frustrated so I end up coming off because its not good for me to be stressed hopefully they can help me sort it out like you said its a lifeline but not when its stressing me out I will let you know if I get it sorted because I should be able to message you, i hope you are doing ok xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi daloni, I have been reading posts etc trying to find out if you are home and how you are doing i think I have finally worked out to been able to mess friends but only today so wanted to catch up with you                                                       Charlotte xx

  •   Hi Charlotte, I think you may have missed Daloni's post, it is under the title *D.I.Y. CANCER.*

    If you type that ** into the white search box at the top of the page (it's to the left of the DONATE button) then go to the posts there and you will find Daloni's post. If you have any problem, please message me and I will copy and paste the post to you so you can read it!

    I've just sent you a PM with the copy of Daloni's post. I thought it would be easier for you but I couldn't delete my post as only the edit button came up! Please look at your Personal Messages!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!