Feeling strange

  • 16 replies
  • 43 subscribers

hiya everyone seem to be having problems with my phone can not always message people then other days I can i did not even know about daloni till just now so so sorry you are in hospital sounds like your in good spirits but know you would rather be home i really hope you are soon your a fighter and thank you for your advice on meditation apps found one today although one part made me cry dont really no why its was just music made me think deep anyway I wanted to ask if anyone has a strange feeling like i csn be doing something and feel like someone has just touched me or something is trying to squash down on the sofa next to me happens everyday it does not frightened me i would not think its my pain relief or maybe the chemo I really don't know i always think its one of my five crazy cats but there never there when it happens all very strange x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    My Dear ,

    Your hallucinations are incredibly frightening! Weird to say the least.  Any changes in meds? There needs to be explication so you have an insight On what to do. 

    On another topic, just caught up on thee gardening discussion and wanted to thank you for offering to bring the chain saw over to save me from the lettuce in the AG. I have taken care of it. I ate it before it ate me and the house. 

    I’m  going to post on the gardening site, hope you start feeling better and sort out what is going on.

    Hugs to all


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Now that’s what I call a hallucination, . Mine are beginners versions in comparison. I’m keen for them not to increase. I discussed some new options with the pain team today including an overnight lidocaine patch. I’ve booked a hypnotherapiy consultation for the week after next. She’s a friend and has recently completed some training in managing chronic pain. I’ve been working with pain for over a year now and I think that qualifies as chronic. 

    I hope tomorrow is a better day for you and that you get your mojo back without your wife getting wrapped up in your hallucinations


  • This sounds mighty unpleasant Tvman. I have had nothing like that. I am on Lyrica for anxiety and at one time I was scoffing them down and had some unbelievably vivid dreams. I can actually recall them now. I reduced the dose by two thirds and that did the job. We are all on medication of some sort and it doesn't take much for something to disagree with you or something else you are taking. Got to be sorted out. Good luck with it.

  • I know that steroids can do strange things like hallucinations and paranoid thoughts. Luckily I only use them with chemo so I just get the insomnia and slightly speedy feeling (and get a bit loud and chatty to family).

    A life lived in fear, is a life half lived.
  • Hi TVman,

    Sorry I am a bit delayed in replying,after having chemo. These hallucinations you are having sound awful & really frightening. I must admit I have never had anything like this which is fortunate.

    I hope that maybe they will subside for you.

    Take care of yourself.

    Georgette xx

  • Well, Hi Everyone, Just now I just got a notification email about Georgette posting here and when I came to read it properly, realised there is a whole page of posts before that I have not seen!

    When I read KT's post it reminder me of a few days after my brother died. In the car with my husband who turned on the radio! It was playing "He Ain't Heavy, He's my brother! I cried buckets. Then found out both sisters had also heard it and one of them doesn't listen to that station, she pressed the wrong button in the car!! How weird is that!

    I too have had some hallucinations but I put it down to the drugs! Daloni I hope the Lidocane Patches help, I have been using them for several years now! 

    I do a lot of mindfulness and meditation. Being a Tai Chi instructor for many years it comes as second nature but doing it once or twice, it won't work, it has to be done regularly to get any benifit. If you put the effort in, you will reap the benifits before too long! It's worth it!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!