Giving up driving licence to DVLA on medical grounds

  • 2 replies
  • 43 subscribers

My driving licence was taken away from me following head surgery for two years. when two years were up, I was having epileptic seizures (caused by surgery to my brain). So I had to give up my licence until I had 1 year of being seizure-free. It took a few years until I had a year seizure-free (until we worked out the right medication and dosage to prevent my seizures) thankfully I'm seizure free now for nearly for more than 2 years. After the first year I applied for my licence back giving them all the info and evidence they needed, it's a long drawn out process. Meantime, I had a tumour progression and consequently had 9 cycles of chemo temozolomide. because of this treatment, and before they've even finished the drawn out process of issuing me a new licence, this  issue came about and then was told I have to wait another 2 years to apply again. That takes me to first half of 2021.

Has anyone got their experiences with this? Would love to hear

  • Hi , I haven’t got the experience you’ re looking for that must have been a hard blow when you were so looking forward to getting your licence back. I did notice when I had a peak at your profile and stuff that this was the only group you had joined and I did wondered if there might be people in the glioblastoma group that might have the experience you’re after, I will put the link below.

    I love driving but it felt so strange doing so after a few weeks break during lockdown when I had to go to the hospital, I somehow was remembering all the controls for a previous car better than the one I was in. 

    If you have any questions rather than a peer to peer chat about getting your licence back the ask an expert section might also be of help. 

    Take care

    Take care KT

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to KTatHome

    Hi KtatHome, 

    Thank you so much for pointing out the Gbm group, I hadn't seen it. So thank you.
