Advice please

  • 5 replies
  • 41 subscribers

My RCC has recently spread to liver, lungs and intestines and given that there was no cure and the only timeline I could get was a few months I had a chat with the oncology nurse and decided to start on a 3 month course of fotivad?  tablets.  I have just started the third lot of 21 days.

I have always been overweight and actually had a good laugh when I was told NOT to lose weight too quickly, for 60 years the medical profession has been telling me the exact opposite!  

My question is to do with my appetite.  I usually have a breakfast (flakes and grapes) and then a snack (1pm ish) then a meal in the evening but I find now that I can't do this, I am certainly eating less than ever but even a small meal (potatoes/gravy type) after 5pm makes me feel dreadful (the discomfort based in my stomach area), I go cold and usually have to go to bed early with a couple of paramol.  

So my wife has changed things around and I now have a small meal about 2pm and a snack about 6 - 7pm (at most 2 pieces of toast)  but to be honest I have no appetite for anything after breakfast, and left to my own devices would probably not bother so much but as I am a insulin dependent diabetic my lovely wife won't let me do it!

I just want to know if this reaction is something others have dealt with and how they have approached the problem, we all like to think we are unique but really none of us are and I am hoping someone can give me some advice please.  My limited messages on the kidney cancer group gave me some great info and I suppose I am hoping for a similar result here in the incurables.

Anyway, thanks for reading, it helps to put things down like this, makes you feel you are actually doing something instead of just reacting.

  • Hello wobble, I am of no use to you on the advice side as I have no experience of your problems. I replied to your post so you did not feel lonely until someone more helpful comes along.

    There are specialist nurses on here and if you don't hear from anyone on the forum, they might be worth a try. 

    I hope things get better for you and sorry I could not help. Best wishes.

  • Hi,

    ihave the same problem not being able to eat more than a few mouthfuls. I also have a bad taste in my mouth all the time. I am trying fruit juices such as raspberry and cranberry with ice.

    i drink weak tea with a square of chocolate.

    ihave mets in my lungs liver and brain and have headaches. The palliative care team are helping me with zomorph and ondansatron and that has helped me feel a bit better.

    myhusband is very kind and good to me but I am dreading the future 

    Ruth xxx


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ruthjp


    I have similar problem ,i can't eat much --don't feel like anything , i cook it then waste it. Just had this conversation with my sister in law who is worried. My taste is dreadful - mouth always dry,  and I am desperately trying to look after myself as i am trying another Chemo next week which may give me a few weeks more. If things were normal i would have just gone for pain relief and hope to see family , as it is , difficult  to go anywhere . I am on the Isle of Man free from covid  but the Island  is still in lock down.    Thank goodness I still enjoy a glass of wine !!!!

    C J xx

  • FormerMember


    I do like your user name. I am amazed it hadn’t been snapped up already. 

    I do have experience of an appetite that drops off during the day. It’s happened to me with various treatments and I’ve lost a large amount of weight at times because of this. I’m on a warning to keep my weight up.

    I am having some chemo at the moment and my consultant charmingly told me it was “quite vomity chemo” prone to making patients sick. So I do what I have done previously when I’ve faced the same problem during treatment. I take anti emetics three times a day regardless of whether I feel sick or not. This somehow seems to help my appetite. 

    I have also switched round my eating so I have my main meal at lunchtime rather than in the evening. I also eat more at breakfast. Sometimes I feel solid food is too much and I have a smoothie instead. I make sure I keep my protein level up by adding cream, yoghurt and/or nuts. 

    I think we just have to do what we can and eat what we can when we can. For me, the main issue is still to get some pleasure from food. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ruthjp

    Hi Ruth


    Sounds like you have a crap deal (excuse the french please).  I find  a Corsodyl mouthwash very helpful with the bad taste in the mouth.  I use Corsodyl because it's alcohol free as I have stage 4 kidney disease so have to keep away from hooch altogether.but Listerine would probably be fine also.  

    Like you I have found that soft foods are better and recently invested in a yoghurt maker which keeps me going a treat.  For the weak tea I just dip a tea bag in the water for a moment or two and think it's best if the bottom of the cup is clearly visible.  I have a Scottish background and this was a carry over from my Gran when she was poorly.  I really enjoy it made this way now.  

    Try and keep positive, my wife hits me when I start feeling sorry for myself.  Like you I am not looking forward to the future but I have known a number of people who went through a broadly similar journey and they all came to terms with the whole deal - I try and find something to laugh at every day - not always easy but Terry Pratchett and my grandkids usually do it for me!

    all the best and thanks for the words

    Bill xxx