Devastating news.

  • 15 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi everyone, some of you will know my history but i will just update for those who dont know. I was diagnosed six years ago with non small cell lung cancer, i had a course of chemo which shrunk the tumours by 75%, then when thing started to regrow i went to the christie at manchester to take part in a trial which gave me good results for a couple of years, after that i had immunotherapy which caused lots of complications. When i couldnt have any more of that they offered me more chemo which i refused and over christmas and new year i had radiotherapy. My scan results shoed that it had shrunk some bits but i had two new spots, one on my adrenal gland on my kidney and one in my neck. I had started to get some odd symptoms such as really bad headaches and dizziness and my arm started to do its own jerking thing, they sent me for a brain scan on the 5th of July and on monday this week i got a call from my lung nurse saying that my Oncologist wanted to see me yesterday friday 10th july. Well although i had suspected it i was told i now have brain mets and they are in the place that controls sight !.  

 She has put me on steroids to help with the symptoms but this is the end of the road for me and i am so sad. I will be refered to our local hospice for end of life care and will hopefully hear from them soon. I  want to die here in my own home with my family and of course my wonderfull husban who has been my rock over the last six years, he has never missed an appointment and when we were told last week that he couldnt come to my app because of covid he kicked up a fuss (not like him and he came in with me to get the bad news. 

I am so scared, i dont know how long i have left and i really dont want to know, i just want to go on my holiday to scotland in september, God willing and make some more lovely memoroies with my family and friends.

I just want to say without this forum, the wisdom, advice and friendship albeit  virtual it has made my journey so much easier.Thank you all. keep it going for all those that need it after we do. 

  • Hi Lynn

    just read your post. I am saddened to hear that after six years they have said there is no more they can do. I guess we all hope there’ll be something always however I guess the time will come for many of us when we will face this news.

    i hope you Manage to have a lovely holiday in September and thankful that you have such good support

    nel xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to nel107

    Thank you everyone for all your lovely messages, i am just sat waiting for the lady to come from my local hospice. 

    i have been looking into buying some Hemp oil to try seeing as there are no convential treatment left for me but its a minefeild with no clear idea on what strength, type to buy or even what dose to take, i will carry on researching and if i find something i might be happy trying then i will be giving it a go because well apart from the money it will cost i have nothing to lose. thank you all. Lynn 2.xx

  • Hi Lynn

    So sorry to hear about your present state of your illness. I know you think that you have nothing to lose but when I read that you are thinking of buying hemp oil I would ask you to be very careful. As you say, you don't know what strength or type to buy and you may end up spending money on something that is fake from some scumbags who will be laughing away at ripping off someone else and what then? How do you get your money back? 

    Take care Lynn and stay safe

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    The Body Shop do some very nice hemp products. They make no anti cancer claims for them because there are none to be made. They are nice to use, though. 

    Do be careful Lynn. A lot of the hemp, CBD and cannabis oil out there is snake oil. There is no real evidence that any of it works but there are some people getting rich exploiting the hopes and fears of vulnerable cancer patients. 

  •  Hi Lynn, I would just like to offer you a word of caution, like the others here about Hemp Oil. It's so easy, especially now, for you to think there is some miracle cure out there. If there is, it will come from your Oncologist or local hospice. I have friends who live in Vancouver and they came over to visit a few years ago and brought CBD for me to try. It's a lot cheaper there. I spoke to my oncologist, as I wouldn't take anything without running it passed her first. Her advice was, I could take it if I wished. I told her I didn't want to throw it away as my friends thought they were doing the right thing! She also told me that there was no proof whatsoever that it would help, there had been no proper trials done. I like you thought it couldn't do any harm. I took it for three weeks but then felt quite bad nausea. Two days later I stopped taking the oil and the sick feeling disappeared. I would hate for you to feel sick.

    Once the hospice has contacted you, tell them how you feel. They may have some suggestions for things that will make you feel a bit better and give you a bit of quality for the foreseeable future. Reiki, Reflexology, Aromatherapy etc they will usually offer at the hospice. They, like Kemp Oil are not a cure but they are safe and can help. Or what about counselling? Worth a try!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!