Metastatic my newest update

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  • 42 subscribers

I finally had a scan after been told in March that my cancer had returned and it was in my left lung.  Had the scan last week and was given the results on Tuesday.  The cancer is spreading, its now in the lining of my lung and at the original site of where it was almost 3 years ago! Im having mu lung drained on Tuesday as there is lots of fluid so hopefully it’ll help with my breathing.  Ive now got the decision on whether to have chemo or not!?? I really don’t know what to do, my oncologist won’t convince me either way. Help, I don’t know what Im feeling, confused, sad, terrified, angry!! I want to see my 50th, I want to see my husband’s 50th, I want to be a nana one day! Will this happen? Am I being over the top? Dramatic? Feeling distraught, any advice is very much appreciated xx

  • Oh MrsH72

    Not the news you really wanted,it fills like when you first get diagnosed, a bit of a whirl wind.

    I can not really advise you on what to do, i know what i would do, i would give chemo a go you can always stop if you wanted to.

    I hope others pop in to advise if they can, Talk to your hubby and way and the pro.s and con,s.

    Take Care Ellie xx

    You Never Walk A Lone 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to ellie 73

    Thank you xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Mrsh72 my Breast cancer has returned last year and its in my lungs only now.The chemo has managed to clear my kidney and liver.Before chemo I had problems to even walk and breath,was spitting mucus after each meal but the chemo stopped all these problems.The scan from  April lung nodules keep shrinking and now i am struggling mentally with the weekly chemo because I am getting tired and depressed but I would to try the chemo.But its up to you you have to decide all the pros and cons.

    I am only 42 and I would like to see my 60th birthday.You are not over the top.I have a lots of crying days these days but I know I must carry on.

    Lovely people  here with their kindness will support you whatever your decision is.

    Take care


  • Another vote here for trying chemo, it has already been said, you can stop it at any time and they can do a lot to reduce side effects. Sometimes inoperable can become operable and many get years on long term palliative chemo. What have you got to loose? Distraught is normal but as time passes you get used to it. It becomes your new normal and the small joys in life become even more intense as you appreciate every second of life

    A life lived in fear, is a life half lived.
  • Hi

    Personally I would try chemo - my options are limited given the type of cancer that I have but the chemo is shrinking the tumours - not sure how long for but knowing that I am kicking its a*** even if only temporarily is empowering. x

    Carpe Diem
  •  Hi, I have just been reading this post and threads and I agree with Kath, I can't really advise you what to do, only you can make that decision, taking into consideration what your husband and son think.

    All I can do is wish you well in whatever decision you make and of course give you support here if/when you need it.

    However, personally, I would check out the odds of whether it is likely to work or not before I made my mind up. I was asked if I wanted to go on a trial and they told me there was a 15-20% or lower chance it might work. I took the chance and was on the drug for over 3 years. I came off it in Sep 16 and I'm still here but it has sometimes not been an easy route but I wouldn't change it!

    Good luck!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hello there,

    It is equally as bad when you are told that your cancer has returned because although at some stage you may expect it to return, it seems to rear its ugly head when you are least expecting it, so it is totally understandable you feel the way you do.

    Unfortunately I know little about lung cancer, even though I have a small spot at top of left lung. However I do have experience of the fluid being drained & I can assure you that it does ease the breathing difficulties as I had this done myself about three weeks ago, & before that I did have a problem getting upstairs. I did not feel hardly anything when it was being drained & they do give you a local anaesthetic anyway. They drained 1.5 litres which really took me by surprise,but afterwards I felt much better & resumed walking etc.

    Of course I cannot advise whether or not you have chemo, but  you are still relatively young  & in my book it is worth pursuing. I am 75 &  I now have stage 4 fallopian cancer which has gone to the omentum, But I decided to have chemo, & I am due for my 2nd cycle on Friday. 

    I hope that this helps & that  you make the right decision for yourself & family.

    I wish you luck, take care,Georgette x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv


       I have just come back on after struggling to make a similar decision. My Oncologist offered me a chemo that is good against my  Metaplastic Breast and now Lungs cancer. it hopefully will give me a few weeks more . He suggested  i start on a low dose and i can come off it when i need to. In fact its timing is good as i can go nowhere  or see family until lock down is clear.

    Hope we all have good luck

    C J  xx