
  • 24 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi I am new to the group

I am 41, stage 4 uterine cancer diagnosed Sept 2019. Finished palliative chemo Feb 2020. 

After 22 years of being a pair I am now going it alone after my husband couldn't cope and walked out on me.

Anyway, just wanted to say hello


  • FormerMember

    I have no words to say to you that seem in anyway ‘right’ or of use in this situation. I have terminal stage 4 brain cancer so I can only imagine what you are going through right now.

    there are days for all of us in this most horrible of ‘clubs’ that are better than others, I’m trying to keep myself going by remodelling our house as best as my brain and energy levels will allow. Cyril the Arsehole (the name I’ve given my tumour) seems determined to kick the crap out of me at the moment as I have very little energy for a few days then get a sort of day where I can do stuff, then its back to three or four days of being knackered.

    i hope you are feeling ok today, the wonderful folks here will talk, hug and help in anyway they can, so nome of us are really alone despite when we feel so. Xx


  • Hi.  .

    I am also a relative newbie to the group - was told I was clear in January 2020 only to be told that I was incurable but currently treatable in March so to say I was shocked is mild my thoughts and feelings about it are still unprintable but the best thing I did was to find this group. They are all really supportive and although everybody has got here from different paths everybody just gets it you could just type ***** and everybody will understand.  

    I'm sorry to hear about your husband - women really are the stronger sex (sorry guys) - my husband is still here but things are not good and haven't been since March, so not sure where we're going.   

    Anyway just wanted to say Hi and welcome. x


    Carpe Diem
  • The good news is that you have swapped a useless bloke for the most loyal, trustworthy, friends and supporters you could ever hope for on this forum. 

    You win. Best wishes.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    I think the knack is to break any job down into small parts. If all I can do is paint a door frame then what I do is paint a door frame. But you probably know that already. My other tip is to look pathetic until someone offers to do the job for me. Although I suspect that might not be how you rock. I hope Cyril the A hole lets up soon and you can get the remodelling done 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Deb1E


    I am sorry to hear about you and your husband. I am sad to read about the other women who’ve been abandoned too. It takes a bit of courage to own up to this as somehow I think we all must feel that somehow it’s our fault. 

    If I had my time again I would talk more. I would ask those questions that were hovering on the tip of my lips. I would have confronted what was going on in front of my eyes but I chose not to see. I would have paid more attention to taking care of my husband.


  • FormerMember

    Hello everyone thank you SO much for your welcomes and replies. I am sorry that you are all here but also glad that you are and willing to help others in the same situation.

    Apart from the occasional blip I am generally a positive person and I am determined not to let cancer or my husbands negativity bring me down. 

    I hope I will be able to share your ups and downs and also be on hand to help pick you up if needed as you all have done for me. 

    Sending love,  hugs and positivity to you all. 


  • FormerMember

    Hi Georgie

    What a spineless wimp, you deserve so much better. Not defending him At All but some people just can't cope, my sister being one. I have now come to realise I need people who can accept and support me not people I have to tread on egg shells with.

    I second the welcome and good wishes already being sent your way. 

    Much love, Tracy

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Martin 

    It's interesting that you have a name for your tumour. Mine were called Larry and Lenny (lymph nodes). I wonder how many other people have names for their tumours. 


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hiya, yes to quite a few people it seemed an odd thing to do, but I like to try and hit things head on in life so by giving the little git a name it allows me to process it all and understand whats happening. I write a blig about him on facebook and I’ve self published a book all about him to. Never going to be rich from it, but that wasn’t the point, its more helping others understand what its like and hopefully making people laugh about something we all know is actually a really scary thing.

    Martin x

  • Hi

    I called my original tumour (which has itsellf now left the building as it were but left behind others!) Quentin Tarantumour - seemed appropritae at the time ..... x

    Carpe Diem