How to cope with the news

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  • 43 subscribers

I had breast cancer over 10years ago,. I thought with all the treatment i received that was the end of it, however 2 months ago i was informed that i had a recurence  of my breast cancer in the lymph glands that has spread to my lungs and bones that it is incurable. It was a coincidence that i got a diagnosis as i had no symptoms, at least non that i would relate to cancer. I have oculoparyngeal muscular dystrophy (OPMD) which affects my swallowing. I developed severe vommitting, cough, shortness of breath and pain in shoulder right side.I had a CT scan which showed a suspicious lesion I was sent to the breast surgeon who did biopsies of breast and lymph glands. When I saw him for review I was devstated that he told me i had a recurrence which has spread to my lungs, bones and liver. Due to coronovirus epidemic i had to go to my appointment alone, this was the worst time of my life being alone and informed that surgery not an option. however i was refered to and saw an oncologist within a week and given information of treatments to hopefully stop the spread. With the lack of face to face support  due to coronovirus, i have found it hard to cope even though i have my husband at home who provides alot of my care due to my existing disabilities. He also has to deal with my extreme mood swings and emotional changes. 

What ia want to know does anyone else suffer with severe emotional outbursts and how they cope especially at this difficult time being confined to home due to the cronovirus

  • Hi

    Sorry you have been struggling with this news for the last 2 months. Emotional outbursts are normal, and you would be odd if you didnt have them at times. Like you I had many years clear and it was a bit of a shock to be told I had advanced breast cancer, with mets in bones, liver and lungs ( same as you). After so long clear, it is such a shock to find you are here again. However, please take comfort in the fact that you are treatable - I have had 2 year chemo and now been on targeted therapy for 6 months, and remain stable and mainly well and active ( well as anyone can be at this time). Once you have a plan for treatment and get underway, things do become more normalised and as you will see from so many on here, there is life with cancer. Yes the pandemic has added a whole new layer of concern, but life does go on, and hopefully you will adjust bit by bit. You could seek counselling and support through NHS services, either hospice or local services, and you will get support on here too.


  • Hi staffies

    Thankyou for your reassurance, i hope like you say once i get on the treatment plan which has been suggested. i've just started the 2nd round of targeted therapy,i'm also taking letrazole,the plan is that i have 3 monthly injections after i've had a dental check,which was hard to arrange until my breast nurse stepped in and rang my dentist,low and behold i then got an appointment for next week after i was turned down when i rang.

    The support available on here is great and getting to know others with the same as myself is very useful to know that life goes on living with cancer. 


    After 10 years cancer free, i have now been diagnosed with a recurrence of my reast cancer which has spread to my lungs and bones. This came as a terrible shock as I had no symptoms althogh I have a muscuar dystrophy which was giving me cause for concern. I was eperiencing increased difficulty swallowing and shortness of breath leading to a CT scan which showed a suspicious lesion and further inestigation led to my current diagnosis. I have been commenced on targeted therapy and due to have injections after seeing my dentist for a check up and any necessary treatment. in the current time with corona virus it is not easy to get dental treatment. I have a dental problem needing treatment. I have a loose filling and a break in the same tooth. I managed to get a check up but my dentist cannot perform the relevant treatment. I am currently waiting for a call to determin how I can get the treatment done.