Trouble posting

  • 15 replies
  • 45 subscribers

Hi everyone

Is anyone having trouble posting? I've been trying to post a message for an hour.


  • Hi,

    I wrote a long post on my phone yesterday and it would not load when I clicked on post.  None of the other buttons appeared to work either.   Eventually I had to refresh the page which of course lost my post.  I wrote a shorter version and that went first time.  It may have been my phone but it is so frustrating.  I hope that you are enjoying your jigsaws and kindle Annette.  I'm off to listen to an audiobook for a while.

    Gragon xx

  • Hi and Annette

    Aaaaargh!  I really wanted to post a particular message and I spent over an hour yesterday, trying various ways. It was long, but I have sent longer and so have you, Gragon. 

    In the end I contacted admin and asked them to try and Steph couldn't get it to send either so she sent it in two parts and it worked. Admin are working at the problem.

    Then I went into the gardens thread to send a couple of photos. Aaaaargh again. They wouldn't upload! After a while I sent them to Admin, also by email. Steph again was so apologetic and it's with them at the moment.

    Trying times, but so as not to get stressed, I have placed it at the lower rungs of the perspective ladder. I've just made that up and I think I'll use that again Slight smile Wow, my family are going to wish I hadn't lol.

    Take care everyone and stay safe.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi Tvman,

    I have had problems getting onto the Macmillan site since Friday,& have no idea why,so I gave up until this morning when it appears to be back to normal. 

    Friday was a bit of a long day,as I rang the Oncology Unit at 2pm, & was told that I should report to the assessment unit & I would see a registrar as i was extremely breathless. So by the time they had arranged all that it was 4pm when I got there. An hour and a half later I went to reception & said ,Do you think Oncology have forgotten about me. Reception rang the ward & a Registrar appeared shortly afterwards .After normal obs were done, it was decided that I should have a chest X-ray which was done at 7pm & then I waited a further 2hours before I said anything again &  another Registrar appeared & said I could go home!! Phew that was a relief I can tell you as I did not fancy staying on the assessment unit all night. Apparently there is a small amount of fluid on my left lung which was presumably causing part of the problem. Over the weekend the breathlessness has improved & I think that some of it was due to very high pollen count,as  I normally suffer with hayfever, & this is the first year since I was 7 years of age that I have not been affected.

    Take care all,

    Georgette xx

  • Hi 

    So sorry to hear that you are suffering from breathlessness, I'm sure it's a horrible feeling when you can't get a breath. Actually, I do know what it's like and funnily enough it led to my cancer diagnosis. 

    If you have a look at my profile (which I tried to edit but I couldn't save the changes, I got an error message. Grrrrr!) I explain about a rare blood disease, haemachromatosis which I have. It was during the treatment that I found it hard to get a breath and it got so bad that I collapsed.

    That was unacceptable for you during your visit to the hospital. Sounds like you were forgotten about twice. Very poor indeed. Glad to hear that you have improved over the weekend, may it last a long time.

    Take care and stay safe.

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi all

    It may sound a bit of an odd thing to say but I am pleased to see that others have had problems in posting - I have no problem reading posts but I was beginning to get a complex as every time I have tried to post the forum bounced me out with an error message and had to sign in again only to be bounced out so I gave up.

    I had my 3rd cycle of chemo - took longer to get over this time and picked up a cold just to add to the mix but had scan last week and find out tomorrow if the "taxo-carbo combo" has had any effect so fingers crossed some improvement so they will continue w remaining 3 cycles.

    Rather than changing discussions -  in case I have problems again just wanted to say Hi to Cesca, Welshjack, Moldy and Cadman888 - I am a relative newbie and everybody on the forum is really kind and helpful even on days when they are not having such a good day themselves.  

    Love to all xx

    Carpe Diem