Is anybody on chemo tablets?

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  • 42 subscribers

Hi my anxiety feom chemo is getting worse and I had a panick attack 3 weeks ago whilst having IV chemo.And honestly the weekly IV and sitting in that chair is too much for me.Is there a possibility to have different meds but in tablet form.I am feeling really down,I would like to live normal without picc line and just take pills at home.Although this chemo keeps working but it doesnt help my anxiety.I have returned to work I though it will help me but when I think about to go to hospital to sit there agsin it makes me sick.

Could I have the tablets instead although I am breast cancer tripple negative?

Any advice would be great.Thank you


  • Hi Janet500

    Sorry you are having a hard time.  Weekly chemo sounds very tough. Have you spoken to the Macmillan nurse or the chemo nurses? What was their response to your panic attack? If you could tackle the anxiety it would be one less thing to worry about. I know what you mean about sitting in the chair. I had to take a break as I couldn't cope with it.

    The chemo nurses are there for you - and I imagine they have seen other patients with anxiety. 

    Take care x

    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember

    Hi   I had anxiety during my chemo - having to delay by a week one session because i had a wobble.   I have just had a planned break and after having had my ct scan last week will be having a phone consultation next week.  I have already been told that it will likely be chemo in tablet form having previously had 8 sessions of docetaxel.   So there is chemo in tablet form - speak with your consultant.   I cannot help with the name until next week.

    Stay strong and hope all goes well.  Debs

  • FormerMember

    Dear ,

    Do I ever understand about your anxiety!  My doctor knows I am afraid and I am offered anti anxiety pills 30 minutes before it starts. I did not take them this time since I was driving myself. How long does it take for your chemo?  I have mine over 2 days each month, so half of yours, but I was chicken and just wanted "good stickers.putting in the line.  If you  treatment is harsh, they probably think that your veins cannot take it??  Nurses like PICC and central lines because it is easier for THEM for 5 minutes. 

    Write down what your chemo is, read about it so you know where you are and ask if there are tablets that will do the same.  I have found that sometimes you have to push back a bit and see what else is out there. Talk to you Doctor and you nurse and all the help at Macmillan. Tablets many times are more expensive targeted molecules and work better, so you will have to insist IF there is a good tablet. You need to get yourself educated, instead of afraid, be knowledgable and tell them this is more than you can take psychologically.  

    How long have you had the Picc? Is it uncomfortable or bulky to deal with? How long has this weekly IV been going on? 

    We are here for you and will cheer you on toward your goal.  But I think you will have to go in for your talks with more knowledge of what tab meds will work, or ask them. Live right now is worth living, enjoy your days and try to think like a Lucky Duck.



  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hello Millie.and thank you for comforting me.This Monday I have returned to work so I am quiet calmer now because my brain is busy with other stuff not only hospital visits.

    I am having weekly  chemo since August 2019 and I know they dont have Paclitaxel or Taxol in tablet form.I spoke to some ladies who said they didnt know I can be on this chemo so long.So far is working.I am taking Lorazepam before chemo but seems doesn't work I had panick attack few weeks ago.The Picc line is ok.I can do everything with that arm except heavy lifting and doesnt bother me really and never had any issues with it.Its just.I am missing to have a proper bath.I have it since i started chemo.Because 2,5,years ago damaged my veins and coping.with needles is too painful.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you Debs I will ask them for the tablet.I hope the CT scan results will bring you good news.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to flowerlady

    Thank you Flowerlady the nurses are brilliant.My onco is having with me only "how are you" consultation so its a waste.of the time.but i will try to ask for the tablett.

    Anyway I am much calmer now because I have returned to work and have lots of friends and i keep my brain busy so I am nothing about the cancer and chemo all the time.


  •    Hi Janet, I am sorry to read just how anxious you are. It is good the chemo is working but not good you feel the way you do! You mention about a bath! That you would love to have one. I haven't been able to have a bath for years now, as I cannot get in or out of one! I used to have long baths with candles all around and soft music on. You can't really do that with a shower but we have installed a downstairs toilet with walk in shower which has a seat, so I make the best of it! 

    Although we can give you moral support here, I think you need to speak to your oncologist or chemo nurse to let them know exactly how you feel and I would also be finding out as much as possible about your treatment, as () Millie has suggested. In this day and age, we have to be pro active and be involved in discussions about our treatment! Good luck!

    Love Annette x

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