Hard times

  • 30 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Hi I hope it is ok that o post this here but the end of life group seems to be a bit stunted with people joining but hardly any posts. 

Anyway I have so many friends here I wanted to touch base. 

Since last posting I got the full scan results last Thursday and they are as bad as expected. I am now on Pallative care and hoping to last out at home. 

My husband has been amazing, family and friends are all being so good and helping out where they can. I have nurses coming in each day and I was amazed when a bed for downstairs arrived on less than 4 hours. 

Although I can only tolerate 2 paracetamol alternated with 100gms gaberpentin I am just about managing certain pain and I now have a anti sickness pump. 

I fortunately although I am managing some small amounts of food I cannot taste the beloved chocolate. 

I am not sure how long I have they will only say it will not be long and to say my good byes. That has been difficult I tell you and as strong as you try to be that knowing that this is probably the last time you will see someone hits home like a ton of bricks. 

So I am not saying this will be my last post but just in case I am saying farewell to you all, some of us have travelled together for a long time some of us are new to the group but we all have a common bond. There has never been a time when at least one of you have not been there for me day or night and I have appreciated every listening ear, every piece of advice, every sympathetic response and of course ever amusing story and photos. 

Good luck to you all


  • Hi,

    Although I have not had the pleasure of meeting you on this forum, I just wanted to say how sorry I was to read your post.

    I hope that you will be as comfortable as you can be without to much pain.

    Thinking of you and your family,

    Georgette xx

  • FormerMember

    Oh ! I do so wish you didn't have to go. We have travelled a long way together and you have been such a good companion. You have made me laugh when I've needed it and brought me comfort in hard times. I shall miss you, my darling xxxx

  • Hello ,

    So sorry to hear that you have now reached this stage.  My thoughts are with you and your husband.

    love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • Hi Maz

    I can't believe what I'm reading, I've re-read it a few times in case I've missed something but no, I know that you haven't written anything wrongly.

    Maz, you and I go back a few years and shared the odd joke. Remember when you wrote that you thought admin had taken my button away for being naughty again? Slight smile

    There'll always be a corner in my heart for you. 

    I hope to see a message or two yet Maz but if you're in pain or too tired, I'll understand. 

    Take care Maz

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • Hi

    So sorry to hear your news, and just want to echo others in their thanks for your wisdom on this forum and in wishing you well in the coming journey.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Thank you for all the lovely comments once again you have all come through with the support needed. I was ill yesterday and my husband called the hospice re support. Today several people arrived and the doctor from the hospice persuaded me that 2 paracetamol was probably not enough to ward off the pain. They have started me on a very small dose 0.1 of a newer type of morphine which if tolerated they can increase. It seems to be ok and has lifted my spirits as it means of it works Pat will not have to listen to me crying out on pain. They also clarified today that it should only be weeks now as things are deteriorating quickly. 

    Love to you all

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I don’t think we have spoke before but I can see how much you have helped on this site.

    I hope you don’t have pain and my thoughts are with you and your family. X

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    Thoughts are with you and your husband, there are no words that i can say,that will make things easier for you at this moment in time.

    You have been a great support here for many, and always stepped up and that is what this group is for each other.

    I hope the next few week's or months will be easy for you and free from any pain that may occur and your team will help you with this.

    Make the most of any time with your husband, it is precious, 

    Take Care My Friend You Will Never Walk a Lone  Ellie x

  • Dear Maz

    I hope the new painkillers are ok and that you are comfy. The hospice seems to be very supportive which must be a relief. You and your husband are in my thoughts

    Lots of love


    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember

    My Dear ,

    My heart goes out to you and your family, you have been important to all of us through our time here.  I echo what others say, get to the point where there is no pain and try to take in all the sights and people that you can from your bed.  This is so hard, but we are all facing death from the time we are born, since we are mortal.  There is not a person here that does not feel that mortality.

    That's not saying the good bye is any easier. I was with my husband George when he passed two years ago and it was hard and our bond was so strong I almost went with him. 

    If you feel like posting to us please do, if you do not, we understand. There are just no words but that we care for you and are here for you. 

    Love xx
