Hard times

  • 30 replies
  • 47 subscribers

Hi I hope it is ok that o post this here but the end of life group seems to be a bit stunted with people joining but hardly any posts. 

Anyway I have so many friends here I wanted to touch base. 

Since last posting I got the full scan results last Thursday and they are as bad as expected. I am now on Pallative care and hoping to last out at home. 

My husband has been amazing, family and friends are all being so good and helping out where they can. I have nurses coming in each day and I was amazed when a bed for downstairs arrived on less than 4 hours. 

Although I can only tolerate 2 paracetamol alternated with 100gms gaberpentin I am just about managing certain pain and I now have a anti sickness pump. 

I fortunately although I am managing some small amounts of food I cannot taste the beloved chocolate. 

I am not sure how long I have they will only say it will not be long and to say my good byes. That has been difficult I tell you and as strong as you try to be that knowing that this is probably the last time you will see someone hits home like a ton of bricks. 

So I am not saying this will be my last post but just in case I am saying farewell to you all, some of us have travelled together for a long time some of us are new to the group but we all have a common bond. There has never been a time when at least one of you have not been there for me day or night and I have appreciated every listening ear, every piece of advice, every sympathetic response and of course ever amusing story and photos. 

Good luck to you all


  • You are a lovely person Maz59, you have been there for everyone and you have made me laugh and cry. Thinking of you all the time xxx.

  • FormerMember

    My heart breaks for you Maz.

    I hope you are as comfortable as you can be.

    love Sheena x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Maz

    your wise words and kindness are an inspiration to me , in the short time i have known you , your support and love has been there to see me through some difficult times,   You are in my thoughts and I send you all my love xx

  • FormerMember


    I don't know what to say. I will be thinking of you, and hoping you can be comfortable at home as you wish.

    Much love.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    My heart goes out to you. There is little I can say except to send you love and hope you get your wish to be at home. x

  • . Dear Maz!

    My heart breaks for you, but i would like to say one thing. At least, we all here are able to got the time to say good bye to out loved ones, we can say all the thinks we wanted. It will be a hard time coming for you and your family. I hope you're not in pain and feeling loved.


  • FormerMember

       I have been in and out of this site  since 2017 , always read your posts. They have kept me going I will remember this post . Love to you.  C J

  • Hi, Well I for one am grateful you decided to post here. I think you are correct about the End Of Life Group but if you had posted there, I wouldn't have read it. Yes some of us have been here for quite a while, much to our amazement we are well past our sell by dates and feel guilty about it.  

    I'm pleased you have a supportive husband, family and friends. The palliative care teams seem to be really good, no matter where you live, so they will keep you right. I hope you get your wish of being cared for at home if that's what you've decided is best for you.

    I hope you will continue to post for as long as you feel like it, so I'm not saying goodbye yet as no one knows how long they have. The best thing about this group is we needn't leave anything unsaid so we or our families have no regrets, not many people have this chance!

    Night night Maz

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hello Maz

    I wish you and your family comfort and peace at this difficult time. Thank you for all of your support, you have touched many lives for the better.

    A life lived in fear, is a life half lived.
  • So sorry to hear this news you have been an inspiration to all of us and you will be missed so much by me and everybody else who have known you lots of love and hugs xxx
