A further lightweight post!

  • 6 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hello, I know everyone is suffering at the moment, either through illness, lockdown and probably both. Can I be forgiven for going off piste to relate our recent non medical adventures?

We are both nature lovers and I have posted on here before about out nightly badger feeding. It has got difficult just lately as a family of fox cubs show up before the badgers and scoff the lot!

It has culminated with me leaving masses of food on the lawn for the cubs and hiding some eggs on the conservatory steps for the badgers. Last night I was watching the camera and the strategy worked. Greedy little foxes ate the mains and ten minutes after they had gone, the badger turned up, smelt the egg, grabbed it from the steps and made off very pleased. We will see if the plan will work long term.

Last week we went to a rewilding project at a place called Knepp near Horsham, Sussex. Some of you may have seen on Springwatch or in the press that they have wild Storks breeding there. I have been following this project and was desperate to see the birds and chicks, it has been 700 years since they last managed it so quite an event.

A massive hike followed by seeing a flying stork then the nest with an adult and chicks in an oak tree. What a treat. Still suffering from the walk, but worth the pain.

The next tick will be the re introduced eagles on the Isle of Wight. They are not projected to breed for another ten years so that will be no no for me!

I hope this was of interest, it certainly took my mind off off the 3 monthly bloods and associated  matters due in a couple of weeks.!

Best wishes to everyone going through it at the moment, I read everything and cross my fingers for all your treatments to be successful.


  • Hello ,

    Funnily enough I was just reading about the eagles a couple of weeks ago.  Apparently although released at the Isle of Wight they have been doing a bit of a tour with one of them tracked as far north as the North Yorkshire Moors.  I would love to see them but I must confess I find it difficult at times distinguishing the big birds of prey from one another.  I can usually spot the V wedge cut out of the red kites tail but after that I struggle.  Not helped by the fact that they have much better eyesight and fly at such a height where they are usually just a dark silhouette to me.

    One of the benefits of the lock down is having a bird identification book to hand when I am in the garden and learning a bit more about the ones that visit.

    I am very envious of your nocturnal visitors.  We do get hedgehogs but even then I get concerned as although only about 600 metres from the countryside we are in a town with roads all around.  With less traffic due to the travel restrictions hopefully they have had a better year as the roads around here normally have quite a heavy toll on the population.

    All the best,


  • Yes Gragon, the eagles did the little piggy rhyme .......

    Two stayed at home, one died, one disappeared and two others found the north to their liking, no ornithlogical explanation for that, probably a gene fault!

    You couldnt miss an eagle, it would blot out the sun! They are meant to be releasing six a year but the virus has probably kyboshed that this year.

    We dont get hedgehogs, you cant get both as the hogs are snacks for badgers unfortunately, it is a shame, they are cracking little animals. I did rescue one from a drain once years ago, no manners, it just wandered off without a bye your leave.

    Toodle pip.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Norberry


    I saw a hedgehog in my garden a few weeks ago. It was 3am and the dog was trying to tell me she had to go and chase the cat that has just tried to get in the cat flap. I let her out and heard her barking and growling down the garden. She never growls so I went to investigate and there it was, bold as brass, a juvenile hedgehog. It just sat there as if to say "come on then, puppy. What you got? I got big spines. Show me your worst." What a treat! It's the third time I have seen hedgehogs in my garden so I can only assume that they are resident, probably in my woodpile. 

    We do have badgers round here too. I saw one once running up the road. I had thought you don't find the two in the same place as badgers are the only predators that have worked out how to deal with hedgehogs spines. All I can say is we seem to have both badgers and hedgehogs here. 


  • Hello again Gragon, I was joking about the eagles staying up north because of a gene fault!

    They will return anon.

    My wife has pointed out again that I am not as funny as I think I am!

  • , oh how nice it that. I would sit there all the time watching the foxes etc..love that. We only get Kangaroos here and you don't want to feed them as they come into your garden and eat all and poo everywhere...and now and then a snake, not to feed ether...so i only feed a water the parrots.


  • Hi ,

    I think it must be in the small print in the wedding contract as my wife often says much the same thing.
