Anger and Frustration - Help please

  • 17 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hi - I am new to the Macmaillan Community, I posted about a week ago but didn't get any responses.

I am just wondering if anybody has noticed personality changes in themselves leading to Anger and a very short temper.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer 2 years ago, it has spread behind my sternum which is inoperable, I have been told it is incurable and I will be on chemo for the rest of my life.

I used to be a very calm, quiet person - but nowadays I find myself very short tempered and angry. I don't know if this is just because of life in general or whether like the Macmillan site suggests, might be a build up from frustration at my circumstances - I assumed I wasn't being affected like that, but now I'm not sure.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Good morning Janet,

    It sounds like you have had a horrendous experience with your hospital and treatment, I cannot imagine what you are going through and am not at all surprised you are depressed and angry.

    Please do not give up your treatment ........ going back to work and being with friends will help I'm sure. Maybe your husband could use some counselling, he may be finding it hard to cope with the reality when you are so upset??

    I hope your care team are paying extra attention to you moving forward to ensure you get the best possible treatment.

    I hope you can travel the journey with your husband and return to being the optimistic person you were and still can be.

    I am sending positive thoughts to you and I really hope you can find the answers you need. xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Good morning Annette,

    Thank you for taking the time to respond to my post - I think my last one must have gone amiss somewhere. I am actually feeling a bit overwhelmed by the responses!!!

    I do have a partner, but he doesn't like to talk about what is happening. Don't get me wrong I know he worries about me and offers to do chores or tells me to rest, but I need someone to talk to and he can't or won't do that.

    My oncologist isn't particularly a people person and getting information from her is like getting blood from a stone!!! She just tells me that I will be on chemo for the rest of my life............... this poses its own issues for me because I require spinal surgery (I have had 5 already) and that can't be done while I'm on chemo, but my neurosurgeon is working on that for me.

    All the best and thank you for the advice, one day at a time - seems like a good approach.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Daloni,

    I replied to one of your posts last week, I passed on my fathers message - "it's only pain, it won't kill you".

    I do hope this message finds you feeling a bit better, I'm sure you are still in pain and struggling but your message sounds so positive, I really appreciate it - thank you.

    SSmokeysmudge came around years ago - smokey because I smoked and smudge was my nickname (Smith) so I combined the 2!!

    Best wishes xxx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Thank you for the links - I think I will give them a go.x

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Hi Gsd rule,

    Wow what a great approach and mind set you have. I'm so sorry to hear of your diagnosis, but I do believe that fighting is the way to go, I wish you all the very best and am sending my fighting thoughts to join with yours. xx

  • , Hi there.

    I have a husband who doesn't like to talk about it ether, he just says...don't worry you will be alright/ I think he is just in fear of losing me, we all differend. Get yourself a councilor or so, or a good friend to talk to. It did help me alot.


  • Hi and thanks for your reply! I think the fact that your oncologist has said you will be on chemo for life can be looked at in different ways. My cancer doesn't respond to chemo so I've never had it. The way I interpret what your onc has said is, you do a course of chemo, when it works then you have a bit of a gap until a scan says the cancer has started to grow again, in which case, you have another course of chemo etc. The other way to look at this,N which is maybe what you are thinking is, I'll have some chemo and then die. They wouldn't offer you chemo or any treatment unless they thought it might work for you, so having the option is good. If they said "We are sorry, we have nothing to offer you"  that's a whole different ballgame! 

    Thats why in this group we don't say terminal but incurable but treatable if they have something to offer us.I got offered half of a trial, which was one untested drug instead of a combo of two drugs. I got it through my oncologist and didn't go to the Trial Unit which is what usually happens. Like any treatment for incurable, I was told it may not work, or it could possible give me an extra 6-9 months. I grabbed it with both hands. No one, my onc, the drug company or my GP can believe how well it worked for me and they wish they knew why! As I was diagnosed in May2013.  I also have had spinal surgery, in between times. So where there's life there's hope!

    I think you are right about your post being lost or maybe posted elsewhere as everyone here is amazing as you see and will find out in the coming months how supportive everyone is!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!