Consultation withnew Oncologist

  • 18 replies
  • 42 subscribers

Hello everyone,

I thought that I would give an update on the appointment I had yesterday, which went very well.

It was a very informative meeting which lasted 40minutes. The next step for me is to have a CT scan next week so that they can measure what goes on once the chemo commences.The chemo regime is carbo/gemzar which will be six cycles and hopefully start in approx.  three weeks time. So the 1st day will be carbo/gemzar,then on the 8th day gemzar on its own,followed by thirteen days respite. 

There is cancer on the momental cake (as they call it) & at present I am feeling quite breathless as there is fluid build up around my spleen,which they will drain after the CT scan.

Unfortunately I cannot walk to far now, but try to do things around the house & in the garden.

If the carbo/gemzar works I will then be put onto a maintenance drug,so fingers crossed that this regime actually works. If it gives me a bit more time that will be great,& hopefully the pain I am in will subside.

Take care all,

Georgette xx

  • I find the sea totally fascinating, there is almost always different things that you can see. I quite like it when the waves are crashing in, & I am glad that we live relatively close to Swansea Bay,& the Mumbles which we love. We try to go as often as we can so as to walk. 

    When I had my biopsy I was on the Cancer ward at the top of the hospital which actually overlooks the bay which is lovely. If it was a hotel they could charge a fortune.

    I am from Kent originally & my husband is from Bath, but we both enjoy it here. When we first retired we lived in France for 8 years which we also enjoyed, mixing with the locals & joining in all there events.

    Georgette xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    Wow, , your flat sounds fantastic. I grew up by the sea, and when I was at university I rented a flat in a seaside resort near the uni. Like you  I love it best in winter. Stier-whipped waves are balm to my soul.

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


  • Hi Gang, Well,  Little did we know that when you first posted the chat would turn out to be about my favourite place, in all seasons, The Seaside! I have always been lucky to live within easy driving distance from the sea, both the east and the west coasts. Except for 3 years we lived in Leighton Buzzard where I had withdrawal symptoms!!! Most weeks no matter the weather, until the Lockdown, my husband and I take a flask, rolls or sandwiches and drive just 30-40 minutes away to the seaside or about 20 minutes to Loch Lomond, we are so very lucky. There's nothing like the wind blowing and the sea crashing. It just does your heart good!

     at the end of this month, my husband and I had booked 3 Deluxe Caravans in Scarborough for two weeks, 1 for us, 1 for our son&family, 1 for our daughter&family. I love Scarborough! It will be my 70th birthday in August and we booked this plus two other breaks for the family to celebrate. I never in a million Sunday's thought I'd still be here! We have now changed them until next year.

    At the moment we are only allowed to drive a maximum of 5 miles from home, which takes us to a local reservoir, so at least we see the water while having our picnic. As soon as this is extended....we will be off to the seaside again. Just talking about it lifts my spirits and makes me smile.

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • Hi Annette,

    If you would like to, let me know the next time you are going to be in Scarborough or the area we can see about meeting up.  I only live a short distance away and pre lock down popped into Scarborough most weeks.  It would be lovely to meet up after chatting for all this time.

    All the best,

    Gragon xx

  • Good Morning Oh how lovely that would be! Put 28th June 2021 in your diary for next year, that's the date we arrive and are staying for two weeks! Wow that sounds very far away at the minute, hope I'm not tempting fate! When you were arranging meetings in York, I wondered if I would manage to come on the train but each meet you arranged, I either wasn't well enough or was just out of hospital after surgery! Much nearer the time, it would be great if some others could make it too. Yes we have chatted for a long time here and it would be lovely to meet you.

    In actual fact, the meet ups were my idea but unfortunately we have only managed 1 in Scotland! Thanks for asking, I hope you have a great week!

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi Annette 

    I love Scarborough. I am a Yorkshire lass and know the East Coast well from childhood visits to the seaside with my mum. When I met my late husband he was living in Malton,  I was the city girl in Leeds. As it became more serious I packed my bags and moved there in 2002. I loved my life up there with the scenery, the wildlife and the people. As they say down here I am a Wesie ( West Yorkshire ) but loved living there . I came back due to my husbands illness , my family and a lot of friends are down here. I worked for the council and my job involved travelling across the county , Whitby, Pickering, Northallerton watching all the seasonal changes, something that is not always  apparent in a large city. I miss it. The drive from Scarborough up to Whitby in the Summer when the heather is out is a truely beautiful sight and I loved the walk to the Hole of Horcum with my husband and son. Though it sounds to me like you live in a very beautiful part of the world. Take care xx

  • Hi, Yes it is a beautiful part of the country, we have also been up and down that coast. I loved Whitby but I don't think I could manage the hills now. We have also been to Pickering, if I'm thinking of the right place, I think there is a steam railway there. Never been to Northallerton. I've never lived in a city, although when we lived in Leighton Buzzard it did feel like one but it was a market town. I just didn't like the fact we were so far from the sea. It must have been difficult for you moving out of the city and then moving back again. You are right, I am very fortunate to live in a beautiful area and I wouldn't swap it for anything. Our house overlooks the Campsie Hills and when we get up in the morning, we can tell what kind of a day it's going to be, just by looking to the Campsies. I think the fact we have lived in this house since 1981 lets you know how much we love it here! 

    How are you and how are you and your son coping with the Lockdown? Although I believe things are a bit more relaxed there now than they are here?

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!