Hello to the night shift.

  • 107 replies
  • 46 subscribers

Hi and  and anyone else seeing the night out.

I thought I would join the night shift tonight as I'm struggling to get to sleep.  It's been very erratic recently.  I usually get about three good hours then anything after that is in one to two hour bursts.  Unfortunately it leaves me feeling exhausted the next day so I don't get much done.

I hope that you are both doing as well as you can at the moment.  We are a lot more relaxed here now my MIL has gone back to my wife's sisters where she was before getting trapped by the lockdown.  At least I can crash on the settee now during the day.

All the best,

Gragon  xx

  • It must be tough not being able to sleep. You handle it well. Keep the messages coming 

    love xxx


  • Good morning Annette,   

    I seem to be experiencing "sleep swings" at the moment.  I think I might just have invented that name by the way.  For a few nights I struggled to sleep much past 3.30am.  The other day when I posted early I went the rest of the day without sleeping and felt good all day.  Then yesterday I slept for about 6 hours to 7am but also went to bed for another 3 hours in the afternoon.   Again last night I got a good six hours sleep but haven't a clue how I will feel later.

    Annette I'm waiting for my CT scan date to come through at the minute.  They are trying to arrange it for Scarborough which is more convenient although my oncology consult will still be in Hull.  My oncology is 27th August so I should get told soon.  I hope that your pain is sorted soon and that your oncologist has good things to say to you.

    As you know we had a holiday in Croatia booked.  Well we cancelled that and are now going for a week to...... wait for it......... exotic Whitby.  It is only 30 miles from our house but I must admit I am happy to go there and really looking forward to it.  I do love Whitby and have never actually been there overnight.  My worry is that I will have to avoid eating fish and chips every night.  I will allow myself one meal at the Magpie, oh ok maybe two over the course of the week but I'm sure my oncologist will not be happy if I turn up marinaded in chip fat.

    Good luck with all your appointments Annette.

    All the best,

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    I’m glad to see other people are having silly sleeping sessions too. I had thought it was just me! Many nights I can’t even feel sleepy until about 2 or 3 in the morning. Sometimes it’s 5am before I can settle down. Then the next day I’m wiped out. 
    I often have to have a snooze in the afternoon. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Oh I do like a nap. Big fan of an hour or so shut eye of an afternoon. Sometimes I am a wee bit thrilled to be up at night when I can think clearly and be undisturbed, knowing I will catch up with a nap later. It’s so hot at the moment in London that I can’t help thinking that snoozing through the heat of the afternoon is the best approach. 

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Good morning

    For one reason or another I haven't been able to get on the forum for a while and I have been wondering how you are all getting on?

    Sooo much has changed for me over the last few weeks and for once I have reason to be awake at this time. 

    At the end ofJuly I finally moved into my new apartment, excited and ready to be starting my man free life. Would you believe it? on the day I collected my keys (and exactly a year to the day since my monster lymph nodes first started erupting) I found out that I now have a brain tumour!

    The last few weeks have been a whirlwind of seizures, scans, and surgery but I am finally out of hospital and ready to pick up where I left off. 

    One thing that really hit home during my stay in hospital is just how many people have been stuck in hospital for weeks/months on end without even a visit from their relatives due to the pandemic. It was heartbreaking to watch people trying to come to terms with life changing brain injuries and other illnesses alone while the rest of the world goes to the pub, gets their hair cut, and generally  carries on as normal while cases slowly start to rise again. 

    Anyway I think the steroid insomnia is lifting and the ZZZZs are about to hit so take care everyone and sweet dreams.


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    Good heavens, ! I think you warrant starting a new post to talk about everything you’ve been through. Crikey! Brain tumours, seizures, surgeries, and a house move to a new man-free life? You literally couldn’t make it up. So please, in the morning and only if you have the energy, tell me more in a new thread.

    As for me, I’m in the hospice, pain free and well looked after. I’m awake after my four-hourly roll but I’ll go back to sleep soon. They are weaning me off the steroids so I hope I’ll sleep better soon and get a good routine around the regular wake ups. 

    Its lovely to have you back but I’m shocked to hear what you’ve been through 

    lots of love 

    xxx Daloni 

  • Georgie

    What a time you have had! How are you feeling? I hope you are settled in your new space and able to relax x

    Flowerlady x