Hello to the night shift.

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Hi and  and anyone else seeing the night out.

I thought I would join the night shift tonight as I'm struggling to get to sleep.  It's been very erratic recently.  I usually get about three good hours then anything after that is in one to two hour bursts.  Unfortunately it leaves me feeling exhausted the next day so I don't get much done.

I hope that you are both doing as well as you can at the moment.  We are a lot more relaxed here now my MIL has gone back to my wife's sisters where she was before getting trapped by the lockdown.  At least I can crash on the settee now during the day.

All the best,

Gragon  xx

  • I can sympathise, i was in hospital the other week for a fortnight.  Hard trouble sleeping but woken at 10 pm for obs, 11 pm for blood sugar and 5am for obs before day staff came on!!!!  Hope you’ve managed to drift off now.  Hopefully i can go and get another couple of hours in a minute before some radiotherapy tomorrow afternoon.

  • Hi Night Owls, Yes as usual, I'm awake. I think the worst place to try to sleep is in a hospital! I hate those automatic blood pressure sleeves. I find them really sore. There is no way I could sleep through that and it would waken me right up. I thought your BP was meant to be lowish while you were asleep! You'd have thought the nurse might have thought of that instead of getting you to sit up and become fully awake!! Why do they have to do obs, then bloods etc surely they could arrange to do everything at once! Or is that too logical!

    Another pet hate of mine in hospital is when you just manage to fall asleep and then some idiot draws open the curtains at 6am so you can have your breakfast at 8am!! What's that all about!

    It is very strange that your obs were at 2am and yet according to the clock on the site, you posted before that!! It's now 3.57am but I'm sure the clock will be an hour behind! I hope you managed to get back to sleep before they wake you for breakfast!

    Can you tell I don't like hospitals much! DAH!!

    sending love

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Hi Annette 

    I’m so glad it’s me in hospital and not you. You really don’t like it, do you? Clearly hospital totally grinds your gears. 

    There’s a young woman on the ward here who seems to feel the same. She’s so angry that she has to shout and kick the furniture and then is tearful by turns. The old lady opposite who alternately cried, but in a really passive aggressive way so you could only just hear her but not ignore her, and complained has gone home. Hurray!

    It’s the woman beside me I feel sorry for.  She’s got a spinal cord compression so she either has to lie flat or wear a brace. She’s in miserable pain and speaks very little English. So everyone shouts at her. It must be exhausting. And humiliating. She is very graceful but sometimes it gets too much and she cries. 

  • Hi Daloni, I hope you had a better day today, let's face it, surely it couldn't be much worse than yesterday! Do you know, I think if I could swap you to give you a bit of a break for a while, I think I would! Maybe you wouldn't like that for long though as I haven't slept for more than 2 hours a night for the last five nights, in fact two of them, I haven't slept at all! You are right of course, I don't like hospital but if you asked nurses,in the hospital I was in, they would disagree with that statement because I never cause a fuss, I don't really get angry at people, in fact I rarely raise my voice! So I don't think you'd mind me as a room mate in hospital!

    I can hardly believe someone shouts and kicks furniture. It's amazing all the different characters you meet but good you don't have to stay with them too long! You were talking about people shouting at the lady who doesn't speak English, why do they think shouting will make her understand! She probably thinks people are angry which makes her cry!

    It actually reminds me about when we go out and I need the wheelchair. People either talk to my husband as if I'm not there or shout down to me because they feel awkward!

    I hope you sleep tonight. Has anyone mentioned when you may get home? I hope your pain is under better control!

    Take Care 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to anndanv

    Good Morning All

    Well it's another sleepless night for no particular reason, I am just awake. 

    I have been keeping myself amused by reading some old posts, God you lot make me LOL with some of things you come out with Rofl Cancer may take a lot of things from us but we must never let it take our sense of humour.  

    Take care all


  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember

    I couldn’t agree more ! I I do hope you’ve laughed yourself to sleep 


  • Hi

    If we allow cancer to take our sense of humour......it's won! We can't let it do that! 

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to FormerMember


    You gotta be kidding me!  Should be a rule about not waking a sleeping patient!  Or maybe a table with normsl bp while laying down for Pete's sake. Hope you can get back to sleep. 

    Sweet Dreams (hopefully)


    Millie xx

  • Well, awake again.  I don't always come on the site when I wake up as you are all too interesting and I get engrossed and have no chance of getting back to sleep again.  I was drinking my ginger tea and wanted to check and see if had posted.  Thankfully she has, although it is not the best of news.

      /    Millie it's good to have you back again well and  I hope that you are feeling up to getting back into your garden again.

    I think the Mac site is very tired again.  It struggled to let me tag you just now Millie but tries to upload words like "and" as if it was a user name even though I haven't put the @ symbol.

    I'm still tired so I'm off again now to try and get some more sleep.

    All the best,

    Gragon xx

  • Hi Guys, Well once again it's light outside and I still haven't got to sleep yet. It starts getting light here around 04.35 & the sun (when it's about) is fully up by 05.10! Although I did notice at night it's now starting to get dark around 21.45 and not so long ago it was still light in the sky at 23.40 this unfortunately means the days have started to get shorter! Boo!

    i noticed was up the other morning around 04.00 although the time here is still an hour behind! You'd have thought by this time someone would know how to set the clock! Anyway it's now 05.20. This is the third night in a row I have hardly slept. I think I got an hour Friday night but like Gragon, I don't always come onto the site at this time because you tend to loose track of time!

    I have my first busiest week since Lockdown started in March. Monday is the Liver Clinic, Tuesday I need to go to get bloods done, then for an MRI. My oncologist just arranged it after I spoke to her on the 14th. So that's quick. Even the Fentanyl 30microgm patches are not helping the pain. Of course as usual when going for scans, I hope for the best while preparing for the worst, so whatever the result I can cope with it! I don't think I will get any results until I see the Oncologist on the 14th August, just two days before my 70th birthday! I still can't believe I've reached this milestone when I was told I wouldn't make it to 64! Now that's a queue for a song! Can anybody remember it! When I get older, loosing my hair, many years from now!! Do you think they were thinking of cancer patients when they wrote that song! Lol! Probably not!

    Suppose I'll go back to reading my book on my Kindle now! I can't believe the number of books I've read this year so far!

    I do hope you are all in Dreamland and waken at a reasonably late time, fully refreshed!                     Take Care ALL,

    Love Annette x

    Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, Today is a Gift!!!