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  • 45 subscribers

Well we have been "shielding", but then let out for the occasional walk, and now "unshielded"  ( "normal ") single people can  create their social bubbles of one other from the weekend. The language of this pandemic is worthy of a PhD of its own - social distancing ( which means physical distance), shielding ( meaning staying at home), staying alert,and so on, and now social bubbles. Now most of us on here are supposed to continue to stay home till at least the end of June, but I have decided that my daughter who lives 50 miles away can be my social bubble companion next weekend for my birthday. She is self isolating ( another new term to the language!) so by time she comes here she will have done so for 14 days. I have told her I may follow her around with a bleach spray, but it will be so nice to see her after 5 months of absence. I am weighing the risks, and I am happy to see her for a couple of days. She is a bit paranoid, and says doesn't want me being seen off by a virus instead of incurable cancer! My life, my choice.  Anyone else considering how they are going to deal with social bubbles?

  • But doesn't apply to those shielding.- the very people who need support as we don't have all the time in the world. 

    I can see us being told another month, then another, then another 

    Flowerlady x
  • Hi everyone I totally agree with you I am extremely depressed worried you name it I am not in a good place at the moment I live on my own with only my best friend who talks to me to a closed window when the weather is fine and the regular phone calls that's it as your comments say I really can't help thinking that when when restrictions are lifted for me and no doubt other people in my situation it will be to late for us I am lucky at the moment I can potter in the garden do housework etc which of course I am thankful to do but I just want to be able to do my own shopping visit a garden centre and if course be able to hug my best friend that's all I want to be able to do going on holidays and things has never been important to me just those three things would do for me and make my life worth living it's hard for all of us as it is with our constant battle every single day fighting with cancer now we have the shielding to deal with as well I so hope circumstances will improve for all of us and I do understand why the decision to shield is in the first place but with all the shops opening next week and the bubble being introduced this weekend I just feel we are being left behind and everybody else is getting back to some normality at least in the beginning when full lockdown was in force everyone was in the same boat as us but now it seems so much harder to cope with seeing people moving on and we are stuck if you know what I mean sorry for doing one of my waffling posts xxx

  • Hi and

    You are right and those of us shielding are not supposed to allow anyone into our solitary bubble, but I am choosing to think this through and make my decision. I strongly suspect that they will in fact make an announcement about the "shielded" in the next week - Boris Johnson actually said something to that effect yesterday. Nothing much will have changed by next week, except maybe a  hundred fewer infections per day. I don't trust this govt as far as I could throw them, and much is being done to offer a semblance of competence. Which is why I say, I am going to weigh up all the risks and make sensible decisions for myself regardless of their rules, since there seems to be little rationale behind so much of what we are being told.

    Sorry you are feeling so low , and I hope you can get to do those things you want to soon. One way or another, life will revert over time but with extra care needed.

  • Hi Popgate

    You have expressed much of how I feel

    I have never felt so lonely and stressed and completely unable to make any kind of informed decision about what to do. I have been out for walks but I cannot stand being in the house anymore. My shielding neighbour has helped me over the past few days as boyfriend has started to withdraw again. I am sure he has mild autism - would explain some of his behaviour. 

    Like you Popgate, the lack of physical comfort is agony. I have tried to keep busy but I am so bored. As we become more isolated, I fear that we may act hastily - I found myself almost booking a train ticket last night just to get away from here. 

    I know we all stick together and support each other. I don't really know what else to say

    Take care everyone


    Flowerlady x
  • Hi and ,

    I'm not quite sure what I want to say as I am sure we are all in different situations.  I have never shielded although I have isolated myself as much as possible.  I live with my wife and son and although I can now order food online my wife was able to visit the supermarket from the outset so we have never struggled practically.  I have also been able to have the physical contact with them which so many people living on their own are not able to get.  I cannot imagine what it is like to not touch or be touched by anyone else over such a long period.

    I too have been tempted to just try to book something to get away from it all but unless I can manage to get to somewhere like the Channel islands or even New Zealand it won't make much difference as there are still restrictions.  I do drive and initially drove my wife to the supermarket and sat in the car whilst she got the shopping and then drove her back.  I also had to go to hospital the other week and drove the 60 mile round journey very slowly so I could enjoy some different scenery.  There were a lot of people driving very slowly so I think that everyone had the same idea.

    Strangely enough I have noticed that I have phoned my family less recently and they are not calling me as frequently which I am sure is because we haven't done anything and don't have much to discuss.  At the start of lock down I did contact the friends that I normally only contact via a brief letter at Christmas but again having done this once I have nothing new to add.

    I have put weight on which I am sure is a consequence of me overordering when I shop online and then enjoying cooking as an activity so have lots of food to eat before it spoils.  If I am not careful when we are allowed out of our doors again I will not fit through it!  Talking of overordering, I struggled to buy dried yeast from any of the local supermarkets and ended up buying a 500g bag online as the smallest amount I could buy at a reasonable price (it normally comes in sachets of about 17g).  I had bread flour in but as that has run out I have also struggled to buy any more so again went online and ended up ordering about 10kg of different flours as with delivery it worked out almost the same price as ordering 2kg.  If they do lift lockdown I may have to open a shop!  At least I can keep busy baking bread providing I restrict myself to the amount that we can eat.

    I have vacillated about doing so for a while but recently joined Audible so that I can listen to books being read out.  I love reading and do have my kindle and will still read but I can do things like baking or cleaning whilst listening to the story.  If I want to relax then I can sit down and relax whilst I listen.  As a book can take anywhere from 6 1/2 hours upwards, the shortest one I have encountered to date they can occupy quite a bit of my time.  One of the tips is to check if it is cheaper to buy the book on audible or if it is cheaper to buy it on kindle and add the audible reading.  Several of my books were about £15 on audible but £1.99 on kindle plus £2.99 for the audible reading.

    Strangely I've found myself missing my mum and dad more during this period, they are bother dead, my mum a couple of years ago and my dad about 15 years ago.  I have no idea why this should be?  Perhaps because I am not seeing many people face to face they are as much present in my memories as anyone else.

    I find myself planning where I am going to go for a night out once I am able to do so, who I will want to meet up with first and where I will want to go for day trips or holidays.

    I had a referral in with my GP to see a counsellor before the lock down started but of course this has been put on hold as there is no counselling available for me at this time.  Even once the lock down ends I think that a lot of people will have been traumatised by the current circumstances and other issues that it might have raised so I think counselling services will be inundated once they are available again.

    I am one of those that does not believe that positivity has any impact upon my treatment as the tablets will work or not work regardless of what I think but do believe it is important in other aspects of my life for keeping me moving forward.  It is very difficult to maintain positivity at the moment as without an end date there is not much to look forward to.

    Can you plan yourself a treat day or a self pamper day?  I know that when I was working over Christmas and was stuck on my own I treated myself by cooking a nice Xmas dinner for one, something more than I would usually have.  My wife would occasionally have a pamper night with footbath, facemask, long bath with candles etc.  I have seen people having date nights over facetime or even cocktails with friends.  The choir I am in has been meeting over Zoom (although not something I have done personally) and I know that there are several places running quiz nights online or even the family ones like has participated in.

    I know that no one of these are answers but they might help.

    Wishing you all the best, love and hugs,

    Gragon xx

  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to Gragon

    Just remember fellow shielders the advise for us is just that it is not the ‘rule’. So if you choose not to go with the advise you won’t be fined! I for example live in a house of 6 people we have one bathroom.  I’m meant to socially distance from them not eat with them not watch tv with them etc.  I have done all these things but I do wash door handles, the bathroom the kitchen a lot.  So my thoughts are that you go with how comfortable you feel.  Don’t break the rules, listen to the advise and then decide what works best for you.  X

  • Dear Gragon

    You just made me laugh with your bag of yeast! My other shielding friend ordered some from Bulgaria along with enough flour to furnish a bakery. I had forgotten about the audio books - I read so much yesterday that I woke with a migraine.

    The first month or so was ok, but now I can't make a decision about the best way forward. My gut says get out there and gently mix. And looking at the hospital figures, North Yorkshire is relatively 'safe'. 

    I really wish we were all well and not having to make such difficult decisions. 

    Keep safe friends, xx

    Flowerlady x
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to flowerlady

    Dear Flowerlady

    I have been thinking like that for the last few week's.

    I made my mind up today, and yes next Friday i will b going out, 2 hours will be maximum time.

    Living on your own and no one to talk to, only talk on the phone, is not the same.

    Got to have a bit of normality if only for a short while., and now something to look forward to.

    Every day is the same and lose track of what day it is, is no good.

    I talk to my self and shout out the tv, so before i land up being sectioned i am going out. LOL

    Take Care eLLIE X

  • Hi friends

    I'm shielding also but here in Northern Ireland since last Monday we can meet another person outside but keeping our social distance from them. The new advice is: 

    The Chief Medical Officer for Northern Ireland updated the guidance for those who are shielding in Northern Ireland from 8 June 2020:

    • outdoor exercise is unlimited, as long as individuals strictly follow social distancing rules and hygiene practices
    • if they live alone they can meet one person from another household (preferably the same person each time)

    I can't imagine how difficult it must be for you living in a house with 5 other people and one bathroom. It must take a tremendous effort from everyone, including you, to keep you safe. I'm fortunate that I have a large garden to keep me busy as well as the fields around me to venture into. 

    So then when any of us are tempted to stray from our safe bubble we run the risk of contracting Covid19 and our health conditions could put our lives in danger. It's that serious. If I were to say that I was going to town, I most likely would be at least locked in a room or tied up. I'm perhaps over exaggerating but I'm sure you get the gist of what I'm saying. 

    Take care everyone and stay safe

    Tvman xx

    Love life and family.
  • FormerMember
    FormerMember in reply to tvman

    Dear ,

     I hear you.  If I were to say I was going in to town and  buy some plants I would be tied down like Gulliver in Lilliput by my daughter, SIL, and granddaughters.

    But like you I have a large garden and a flock of very nice seeds of all types to plant at the right place at the right time. Today I found an 15 ft  blue spruce pine behind my maple tree that has bee hiding for at least 4 years. Now getting to the edge of the roof of my home. wow. I do want to get out, I really want to go to the Chelsea Flower show, really do.

    The truth is if any of us caught it, it could kill us, however when one has lost a portion of their immune system, there cannot be a cytokine  storm the usual thing that kills people from Covid-19 but then there is always pneumonia and flu that can grab us too. Lets just be careful guys.

    Love to all,
